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Posts posted by amoral14

  1. Congrats. Our wedding is one week after yours on the Freedom. We did the tour as well, and I don't think they boarded until around 11.

    We told everyone to be there at 9:30 because inevitably someone is going to show up late. And if we told them 10:30 they might show up after we board.


    Yes. We didn't board till 11:30. So I'm guessing this is common. I was mainly worried about my 5a.m makeup and hair. Which I will now be changing to a tad bit later. Thanks for the info

  2. Hello, I am getting married on the carnival freedom in October. I understand that everywhere it states that everyone should be there at 9:30, but when I went for a tour I saw people coming in after. I even saw a bride come in close to 11. I'm just curious because my hair and makeup will be done before hand and I really don't want to book them at 5 a.m if I don't have to. Is it ok to get there after 9:30

  3. Hello, hopefully you can answer a question for me. I am getting married on Oct 17, 2015 on Carnival Freedom, I know this is a different ship than yours, but I was wondering if you could tell me the check in process for you? I was able to view the wedding process for another bride on a tour that the ship gave me and I noticed that the wedding party were coming in at different times, even after 10:30am. Even one of the brides walked in at 10:30am. I was told to have myself and my whole wedding party to arrive at the ship no later than 9:30am. Was this the same for you? Did you have people arrive later than that?

  4. I'm getting on Carnival Pride in October. I am bringing a CD, a CD in MP3 format and the songs downloaded on my iphone 6 plus. JUST IN CASE. I'm also bring any cable/aux cords that might be needed. If my songs don't get played during the ceremony and.or reception IT WONT BE MY FAULT. IJS. :) Congrats!


    when I asked if we could take anything other than cd's they told me no. I love our music that we chose but im scared it wont work once we are there. Im clueless on burning cd's now lol.

  5. Hey ladies, my wedding is this October! ! I'm getting so excited! I've tried posting some questions on here before but I never got a response. Hopefully this time I will. Had anyone ever brought their own Cd's for the reception? If so how did that work out?

  6. I have a question. Does everyone have to be there at 9:30 IN the morning or are they just trying to be cautious. I just feel like that is so early for everyone attending the wedding to be there dressed and ready. What will they be doing that whole time waiting? :confused:

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