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Posts posted by Mallefiscent

  1. 2 minutes ago, BND said:

    You should want an effective vaccine.  My daughter in law is a nurse.  None of us are afraid of a vaccine, but I can read so much fear in your posts.


    Perhaps you should look up the term projection as it pertains to psychology.   If you are reading "so much fear" when I am only explaining different points of view, it is only coming from you. 

    • Like 2
  2. Just now, BND said:

    If you weren't scared you wouldn't be posting what you have.  Sorry, but my DH and I (60 and 63 yrs old) are going to get the vaccine.


    I never said you shouldn't get the vaccine.   In fact, I said the opposite.  If people want to get the vaccine, that is their choice.  I don't know why you feel the need to try to bully people.   No one is going to stop you from going to get the vaccine when it is developed.  In fact, if you can get in with a clinical trial and get it sooner, no one will stop you then either. 

    • Like 1
  3. Just now, BND said:

    Sigh.  Thalidomide was popular in the late 50's.  30,000?  Okay,  How many vaccines have you had?  Please research every one you have had and let us know which one is 100% perfect.  I'm sorry you are so scared, but scared doesn't replace facts.


    What part of 30,000 adverse effects a year is not a fact?  You are assuming I am afraid, but I am not. You are assuming that because I can see another person's point of view that I am applying it to my life, but I am not.   I had all of my vaccines as a child and then I had them again when I became a travel nurse.  My titers were low, and I needed to be revaccinated - not that it is really any of your business.  

    No, they are not 100% perfect, and that was the point I was making.   Some people will wait to get a covid 19 vaccine until they can be showed how perfect it is.   Some people are afraid of heights.  Some people are afraid of spiders.  Some people are afraid of getting covid 19.  Some people are afraid of adverse effects from a new vaccine.  

    The very fact that you are intolerant of another person's concerns tells me that you aren't as concerned about other people as many claim to be.

    As for me, if you're my patient, I will give you the vaccine if you want it.  If you are my patient and suffering from covid 19, I will take care of you.  No judgement.  Everyone is equal. 

    • Like 2
  4. 1 minute ago, BND said:

    I think you do.  You cannot compare vaccines to drugs.  What part of that doesn't work for you?  I'm sorry you don't understand that, but dont' get the vaccine.  I will as will many others.  I really don't think you know what you are talking about.  I have several PhD family members in research.


    So you have several PhD family members  in research.  Did you get all of their information from osmosis, because I doubt you would be able to get a PhD with your deficient reading comprehension skills.  


    I can say that bleach overdose will kill somebody, and carbon monoxide poisoning will kill somebody.  They are not the same thing.  They don't work the same way.  The person will be dead either way. 

  5. 3 minutes ago, Seville2Cabo said:

    70 years ago and not a great example of vaccine gone bad. 


    You don't have to go back 70 years to find bad reactions to vaccines.  The CDC has Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting.  There are approximately 30,000 adverse events each year attributed to vaccines.  These are vaccines that are used all the time for many, many years.  Some are mild.  Some are severe.  It isn't really that crazy for people to want to wait and see if a new vaccine has any adverse effects.  Yes, they can show promising results for a vaccine approved on a long term basis.  They cannot show results on a long term basis for a vaccine that has not been around long term.  People talk about being concerned about the long term effects of Covid 19 when it hasn't been around long term.  You can't dictate to people which long term effects they are more concerned about. 

    • Like 4
  6. 1 minute ago, BND said:

    You can't compare a drug to a vaccine.  It is not the same.  I have done research.  If you choose to think they are comparable, I'd say, you need to do research.


    No they are not. They are given as examples of things that medical professionals have thought were ok, and they weren't.  They weren't not given as examples as the same type of therapy. Do you have problems with reading comprehension? 

    • Like 2
  7. 51 minutes ago, BND said:

    Thalidomide was not a vaccine.  It was a sedative DRUG.


    Someone already gave an example of a vaccine that went bad. The dangers of thalidomide are more well known than the dangers of vaccines.  If you cannot see that these are examples that medicine doesn't always know what it is doing and that fact gives people pause to just blindly follow it, then I don't know what to tell you.  There are plenty of examples out there.  Do a little research.  If you still choose to get the vaccine, that is your choice.  If people choose to wait and see if any significant events happen from a possible vaccine, that is their choice too.   I can see both points of view.  Apparently a lot of people on here are incapable of that. 

    • Like 3
  8. 6 hours ago, Lovincruisin1321 said:

    Thank you for not getting your flu shot and contributing to the spread of the flu.  Little do you know but you encounter persons everyday with compromised immune systems from chemo treatments, transplant patients and the elderly.   I won't say the obvious, but please reconsider the "me mode" and be respectful.


    Yet nobody ran around yelling and screaming about how everyone had to be masked for the flu for all of these years, especially not before we had tamiflu or a flu vaccine.  


    Death isn't the only problem that the medical field has brought upon people.  I'm sure most of you are old enough to know what happened with thalidomide.   Things like that are why some people are very suspicious about new medical breakthroughs and choose to wait until there is further evidence. There are many things like that which have happened. 

    • Like 4
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  9. 13 minutes ago, Aquahound said:


    I typed, and then re-typed my response several times.  I think everything I initially typed would've landed me in time out from Cruise Critic.  Heck, it still might.  Oh well.  


    All I'll say is, I am EXTREMELY proud to be an American.  I, for one, will not let radicals sway me from loving this great land.  I will continue to honor those who served and I will continue to stand for our one anthem.   God bless us all and God bless America!


    Don't let it upset you.  Polls can be manipulated to say whatever the people making the poll want it to say based on how they ask the questions. 

    • Like 2
  10. 2 hours ago, brillohead said:

    Your son has a reservation -- it's just a different number than the one all the other family members are on. 

    Ask your travel agent to send you the Booking Confirmation from Royal Caribbean for both reservation numbers.  This is basically the invoice that shows who is traveling, what room they're in, what dining assignment they have, and how much you're paying for them.  

    I always check the Royal Caribbean Booking Confirmation for accuracy, rather than any invoice that the travel agent may send me, because the Royal Caribbean one is what will be in their system -- anything on the TA's letterhead just shows me what is in the TA's system, and it may not be the same as what is on the RC system.  

    Thank you. I got it.  It does show him in the same room number as we have. 

    • Like 1
  11. Just now, Ocean Boy said:

    People here say it is common to tip room service. I have never used it so I can't speak for myself. I can't really think on much else. If you buy a drink 18% is automatically added. If you but a drink package 18% is automatically added to the price. If you eat in a specialty restaurant 18% is added to that. Pretty much anything you buy on the ship outside of the retail shops will have 18% added to it. No tipping is needed in the shops. 


    So, pretty much, if you pay the auto grats you are covered.

    Thank you. 

  12. 10 minutes ago, Ocean Boy said:

    The auto grats are higher if you are in a suite. You don't need to tip any extra unless you choose to. Don't let this stress you out.

    Are there any typically tipped positions that don't receive tips with auto gratuities? I remember working my way through college, so I like to make sure I help others out. 

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