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Posts posted by waitress22

  1. we just got back from a cruise from new York to Bermuda on the Norwegian breakaway. Do not recommend this cruise ship for those that like peace and quiet sometimes. a very large kids play area and water slides and activities for the kids.

    food was actually below par and a lot of premium activities and restaurants with extra charges.. actually more restaurants you would have to pay extra for than the free ones included with the cruise.

    Not impressed with Norwegian.

  2. So, I realize people with bad experiences will most likely post to the web, but people with amazing experiences usually do not. With that said, I cannot help but feel extremely concerned about our upcoming trip this Sunday (3/29). I have only been on one cruise (X Century, 1999). My husband and two boys (14 and 11) have never been on a cruise. My kids are spoiled, though. When we go to OBX, we stay with a group in a 10 bedroom, 12 bathroom house on the beach. When they go to Disney, my parents rent a Villa in Disney through the Disney Vacation Club. We've only had 1 bad trip in our lives and it was in Cabo - it was my fault - I went the cheap route and rented a condo which turned out to be horrible. But, we still managed to enjoy the week and made the most out of it.


    I chose this trip because of the activities on board. I work full time outside of the home. I have a horrible commute. I am extremely stressed out most of the time AND I spend most of our vacations cooking, cleaning, doing laundry….I'm burned out!!! I need a week where I can chill out and not have to do ANYTHING except show up. So…with that said….here is where my expectations are for this trip based on numerous posts - the positive ones and the negative ones. Let me know if I'm way off or if I'm wrong, please!!!


    - Service is horrible - ok…here's my take…I would like to see this for myself….I was a server and worked in retail for many, many years. It is amazing to me how people can be so down-right rude to service people and still expect them to fawn all over them. So, I am going to take this often stated review with a grain of salt. I am overly polite and appreciative of every service person who I meet. Normally, I met with equal or more graciousness and politeness.


    - The free soda package was disappointing because there are no stations and it's hard to get refills - this bothered me a bit. I wanted to buy this for the kids. But, since it is spring break, I think it will be a mad house so we will bring a case of water and some other beverages for the boys.


    - The food is awful - I would like to see this for myself, as well. I did not book this cruise for the food. My kids can live on mac and cheese and nuggets. I am not picky. My husband is not picky. If we wanted gourmet, we would have chosen a much more expensive cruise. As long as the food is edible, we will survive. Plus, I'm trying to lose 40 lbs (22 so far). So, not too concerned about this one…..


    - hard to find chairs - I need tips on where to find a quiet space. I am a smoker (GASP). I just need a chair, a water bottle and my kindle. That's all I need - I don't need the pool, I might go in the hot tub….what I need is to decompress and forget I have a job for a week.


    - lines for meals - I wake up at 4:30 am - I eat breakfast at 6 and lunch at 11, dinner at 4:30 and I'm in bed by 8:30 (no, I'm not a senior citizen - lol). Hopefully I will not be hitting the restaurants at the prime times….thoughts????


    - rooms were dirty - This concerns me - I'm not a neat freak - I have dogs (lol). But, I am a little paranoid about 'people germs'. I would like to know how many had this experience. I'm sure our room will not be perfect.


    - which brings me to my BIGGEST CONCERN - SPACE IN THE ROOM - I knew the room was tiny when I booked it. I chose an inside family cabin for a few reason 1) it was cheap, 2) it was cheap, and 3) it was cheap. Plus, I read bad reviews about the balconies so I couldn't justify the extra money. HOWEVER - now I'm reconsidering and the boat was booked when I called to try and snag a bigger room. Anyway - my family is on the petite side - BUT - are we going to want to kill each other by the end of the week?? Well - nobody can answer this for me but would love to hear from someone who tried to cram 4 people into an inside family cabin. This might have been the biggest mistake I made (not bigger than the Cabo fiasco, though - that one can't be topped!!).


    So - if you actually made it to this sentence…thank you so much for reading my long, paranoid, crazy lady post. I want this week to be fun. And, after Cabo, I believe we can make it happen. I just don't want everyone in my family hating me on Easter Sunday for making them take this trip!!!




    Im sure you are now having a great time, please post a review of your cruise on here. I would love to read it. as we are going on may 31st. I too am a little worried about the cruise. looking forward to your review of the ship. would appreciate it thanks

  3. thanks for all your info especially the parking info. I found park jockey online and was glad to hear it was an ok place to park near the terminal. also. you mentioned about the shows and no reservations. my question is this. I had hear that you needed to make reservations as soon as you get on board for the shows and the dining rooms. are you saying you don't need reservations for the shows? and also do you need them for the dining rooms? appreciate any input. thanks. Cherie

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