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Posts posted by JACKWC

  1. But now, after reading this thread, you know better.

    Check out Chengkp75's explanations for why surge protectors are a no-no on a ship, if you need the technical explanation. He's given it more than once.

    Thanks for the heads up - now I am educated:halo:

  2. But surge protectors are bad for ships and may be taken from you at boarding.

    I always carry a small surge protector and a power strip and have never been told by HAL that I can not use it. (395 days)


    I just checked the "beverage" packages for HAL and distilled water can be pre-ordered for $2.95 per gallon.


    The August 20127 Voyage of the Vikings will be my first "CPAC" cruise and our third sailing on the ms Rotterdam. This forum has been most informative and entertaining. :halo:



  3. Before we departed the Amsterdam in Hong Kong, those attending Craig's final Techspert class were given the opportunity to share our email with the ships staff. The purpose was so they could send, after the ship arrived in San Diego, an email with links to OneDrive, where handout files, videos and photos could be viewed. I just finished watching an included five minute "farewell" video of the crew, that served as a reminder, that the self-centered antics of "one bad egg", were overshadowed by what a Grand Voyage it was and how we were "SUPER" pampered by this world class crew. That and all the photos we took is what Grand Voyages are all about.:D


    If I can get the CD's permission I would like to share those links here. IF not, then, I feel it is time to close this thread.:cool:

  4. :mad:This appropriate rant was taken from the Seattle Times today


    "RANT To self-absorbed people who abuse the concept and rules regarding service dogs and bring their pets to stores, offices, airports and other public venues. A legitimate service animal is trained to assist a person with a disability; being a dog and providing comfort and emotional support is an inherent attribute, not a trained function that the dog does. I love my dog too, but leave it home or take it for walks".

  5. I too was on the Amsterdam from Seattle to Hong Kong and observed some of the “entitlements” this rude person received/demanded, such as always having a “reserved seat” on excursions, which then gave this person preferential boarding, and the opportunity to hold extended conversations with the tour guide. On that same excursion I observed elderly folks with canes who were less ambulatory and did not complain because they had to negotiate the narrow isles to get to their seats.

    I also observed the “litter box” that someone provided for the dog on deck 2 aft. Don’t know who got to clean that up if it was ever used. And here is a subject that no one seems to address; the costs this lady would have had to incur if she had “kenneled” her “pet” while on this 78 day cruise. So at the rate some public establishments charge just to have a pet on their premises, this lady hoodwinked Hal out of $40 X 78 = $3,120!! I think they would be well within their rights to add that amount of money to the “dog lady’s” final bill.


    During the excursion that my wife and I were on with this person, we had the misfortune of having her and her husband (without dog) as table mates at our Chinese meal, and had to endure her running commentary about the pros and cons of each dish. I pity the man and the dog that have to live with this faker. :(

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