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Posts posted by lalahi1

  1. 5/7/16

    Dear Diary,


    Today was a lazy day. We had a late breakfast at O'Sheehans which was pretty good but now I am left to wonder...who is going to bring me my daily mimosa with a freshly cooked breakfast once I am back home? Note to self - look into this.


    Next was the Waterfront again to relax, read and enjoy the cool vibe. Hmm additional note to self- find someone back home to bring me adult beverages while I lounge on comfy wicker couches in the tropical breeze.

    Around 1:30, DD ended up going up to deck 17 to soak up some sun of course at that time of day all she could really find was a lounger with only partial sun exposure. I went exploring and we tried to use the text app to meet up but something was wrong with it.


    I went to Internet Cafe to find out what was up since I have been having intermittent issues with my accounts since coming on board. The people in front of me in line had the same issue so I felt better as I was starting to feel rejected by the Escape. Well the attitude and response of the Internet Host had me pausing. She just shrugged shoulders and was very dismissive and not apologetic at all to us peons who paid $9.99 for texting app. She did say that she had let the powers that be know and so they were PROBABLY working on it. Diary, this is where I had to channel Ghandi, because I wanted to dare her to have the same attitude to me. I calmly, ok maybe not so calm (and not because I couldn't text my daughter, big deal, but because of her stank attitude.), walked away and just decided to wait and see how long it took them to fix it. It was fixed a couple hours later.


    Dear Diary I also spent some time at Sugarcane sipping mojitos. The Devil's Juice has a hold on me this trip. I allowed myself to be lured into excess by the UBP....they should just put an apple stamp where the UBP logo is on my key card.


    Dinner tonight was at Cagney's. That was the best steak at sea that I have ever had. I have to say at sea because Bern's in Tampa will always win. The atmosphere and service at Cagney's were great though. Not too stuffy but not Mickey D's...ok I realize that leaves a lot of ground so how about Applebee's?


    El kiddo is off to the 18-25 yr old meet n greet and I am just enjoying the sounds of the sea for a bit before I head out on the hunt for some more Elixir. Note to self - look into a liver detox when I get home.


    Good Night Diary



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk



    I'm loving every part of this! I'll be on the boat saturday and now I'm even more excited!!!!!!:)

  2. I'm sorry if someone else has already asked this but i couldn't find anything about it. Does anyone have an info about the Black Glass Classes that they offer at the Cellars. I'm really interested but I'm trying to convince my sister but she wants to know more about it before she will come along with me. Thanks! :):)

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