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Posts posted by mystereohasmono

  1. Well, since it's been four days since I emailed RCCL this question and they haven't answered outside of their automatic confirmation reply, and since I'm sailing in two days, figured I'd give it a shot here.


    Does anyone know if there is anywhere on the Allure that offers Red bull, specifically the flavored kind (red, blue, yellow)? And if so, would one be able to get a can of it as part of the ultimate drink package?

  2. No pictures here but thought I'd post some general thought about the cruise.


    The Breeze, at least at this time of the year, is very much a party ship. I've only been on two cruises before - Enchantment of the Seas and Golden Princess - and both seemed very subdued compared to the Breeze. Whether or not this is a good thing is a matter of personal preference. One thing I didn't like was some of the music during the days at sea; I think they should stick to either reggae/Caribbean music or at least pleasant acoustic stuff, but at times they'd be playing top40 hiphop/club style music near the main pool for a portion of the day.


    Not a food snob but I thought the Lido Marketplace lunch was surprisingly weak, while the dinner was very solid, with pastas, salads, and different types of chicken and other meat rotating every night, all cooked and seasoned well.


    The pizza place is a disaster, at least at late night. It was very strange that there never seemed to be pizza actually ready ahead of time; not once did I go there and not have to wait for 5-10 minutes, even if there wasn't a line.


    Service was just fine for me. If you're an older person who wants to be treated like a prince when you go to order a cheeseburger, look elsewhere, but the bar staff was very nice and remembered my name/drink preferences after just the second night. Overall though I'd say the staff is solid/normal/efficient by normal people standards but Professional Cruisers who are coming onboard after a more upscale cruiseline are going to find it lacking, probably. Casino dealers are overworked and not super friendly but I hold them to a slightly different standard because of all the crap they get from people mad at the cards. As long as you're polite to them they'll be nice to you and will remember you.


    Occasional whiffs of sewage here and there throughout the ship. Not sure if that's normal. Obviously it's not too beautiful of a thing but its occasional and fleeting so whatever.


    Pools were another issue. Is it normal for a ship of that size to have two small pools for 3700 people? You don't swim, you might wedge your way into a 2x2 space to stand during the day and get wet, but its so overcrowded that you start wondering if chlorine is enough to battle the sweat/sun lotion/people soup that you're entering. The hot tubs on lido (aft) often had children not just in them but jumping around and splashing in them like they were just warm pools. Would be nice if there were hot tubs and a pool on serenity.


    I realize most of the things I said were negative but overall it's a great ship with plenty to do and I had a great time.

  3. Hello, I am new to cruising and wanted to get your guys' opinion on whether or not I could successfully argue with Carnival to get some type of credit or reimbursement for this situation.


    I booked very late: on May 18th for a May 23 sailing. The price online was listed at something like $1,550 for an interior room (I am sailing solo). The website was giving me errors when I tried to book so I had to call, eventually I managed to book "the last room on the ship," according to the very nice and helpful rep, but it ended up being $1,760. Don't get me started on how horrible it is to pay that much but it was the only date I could possibly go and I really, really needed to go somewhere and get away.


    So whatever, I was excited anyway, the last room, how lucky. Out of curiosity I looked at the Carnival website to see if the listing was removed, and indeed it was.


    ...until today, when there is now a listing for an interior room for $1,298 - a $462 difference in a matter of four days. My argument is that I was willing to pay an exorbitant rate because of the whole last room thing, but now this one pops up. I attempted to call them and the rep basically said "nothing can be done, you can't switch to this room because its on a lower level of interior room."


    Should I be more pushy about this or am I just SOL?

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