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Posts posted by Llundain

  1. Emerald's choice after 5 days stuck in the lock at Breisach was gruelling bus trip to Amsterdam omitting some of the scheduled stops on the way and staying in hotels, or curtailing the trip and flying back home, which is what we chose. the organisation at the end was chaotic. They then had the gall to send us a miserable offer of vouchers off our next cruise with them. as if! we cruised 45 km in 5 days and never cursed on the Rhine as planned. it was a very expensive 3 day coach tour. The BBC in London and Swiss Met Office were both forecasting heavy rain , snow melt and floods for the area on 30 April 2015 well before the start of our cruise on 2 May 2015.

  2. We were on Emerald Sky early May from Basel to Amsterdam. It was docked in Kembs in France on the canal d'Alsace. As we were already in Basel we had to go to the airport to ne bussed to the ship. Due to inclement weather, the ship cruised 45 km to the lock at Breisach. It spent the next 5 days stuck in the lock there with Emerald bussing passengers to the Black Forest (included attraction), then to Colmar on France and finally a whole day tour to Heidelburg (5 hours on a bus) - very strenuous. The last evening the Tour guided announced that everybody must leave the ship the next day and be bussed to Amsterdam missing out some of the included sights and staying in hotels on the way. The alternative was to fly home which is what we chose. So we cruised 45km in 5 days. It was the most expensive bus tour we have ever had. Later Emerald sent a derisory amount of vouchers for money off another booking with them. Once bitten, twice shy.

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