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Posts posted by mvmcc

  1. wow, glad I read this... I'm really disappointed I can't do my own laundry in cold and "cool" dryer. I guess I may have to hunt for a laundramat in a port... but is it hard to find coin laundry in Spain and Italy near to the ships?


    I'm not worried about shrinkage as much as I am about knits getting stretched or the pants/capris/jeggings with lycra losing their stretch... HOT dryers are worse than HOT water; at home I line dry nearly everything these days. I don't mind doing wash in the sink but these travel knit/lycra stuff can take a long while to dry. Very disappointed that the ship won't have these facilities.


  2. I hope you have been and enjoyed your trip to Scotland with Tom Harper by now. If not, you are probably just like many of us who were not informed that they are out of business... and for those who paid in cash (e-check), we have no recourse to get our money back. It was our dream retirement vacation... with both extensions... 17K gone, poof, just like that. Tom Harper's doors are closed. Magna Carta who owns the ship hasn't answered our email. American Airlines says that TH paid in full for the airfare early in the year, but then in early May started trying to adjust the reservation, then canceled it entirely on May 14. We wouldn't have known except we started to get suspicious as we had no AA confirmation number and had not heard a peep from TH... and then did this internet search and heard the word on 5/21. I don't know if Tom Harper is going into bankruptcy, their site is still up so maybe they hope to make a "comeback". Stay clear of anything to do with them, or with any reincarnation created by any of their principals in the future. I hope someone can prove fraud and put someone in jail; though it won't save me my dream trip or my money

  3. We are among those traveling (with 2 other couples) who paid up front, through e-check (for the discount), way last February for a cruise coming up June 25. We additionally paid for airfare and the extension a few days later with a credit card. We happened to have a proposed, not final, itinerary we received with that invoice. I called American Airlines and yes indeedy TH first tried to "change" the reservation on May 4 (ie: put in another traveler's name, cancel? AA wouldn't say what the change was but that it was weird). Ultimately on May 14th they cancelled the non refundable ticket (so maybe even they didn't get any money back.. it had been fully paid for, by check by TH back early in the year). No notice to us of any of this. Then the announcement on these various third party travel internet sites say that they are out of business a few days later. The credit card company wants proof that we can't go on this cancelled trip, but how can you prove a negative without any notice saying it was cancelled. AA says that they will reinstate the ticket (but that they didn't advise it, you never know, TH could try to cancel it again, so to keep checking it.. and you could end up stranded anywhere along the way if TH succeeds in canceling it)... but if we go and use that ticket, we can't get the chargeback for the 5K as that would be credit card fraud ... so we are out the whole 17K... our dream retirement, once in a lifetime trip. The cruiseline (Magna Carta) which owns the ship hasn't answered our email either so hopefully they will and that will be partial proof... but not really proof we can't use the tickets and the extension. I am not sure there is anyway to satisfy the cc company and get even the 5K back. next time, if there is a next time, I'm waiting and paying right at the last minute so all they have to play with is my 1,000 deposit... and of course, always use the credit card even if it seems like you are wasting the discount you could get

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