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Posts posted by kraor22

  1. mozfoz - you seem to know what is important (and not) for you - so you will be able to make an informed decision.


    DH and I are not among the "brand loyal" crowd, as itinerary, dates and cost are important drivers in our decision.


    We have traveled with Uniworld, Viking, AMA, Avalon & Scenic. We would happily travel with any of them again.


    The "final payment" date with Viking is much earlier than with any other line - but sometimes that works out better. We were talking with people on the weekend who booked a Viking cruise for next year. While they were not happy - initially - with the final payment date, it turned out better for them as they paid in full while the CDN dollar was closer to par with the US. I am watching with baited breath - as our final payment (for our cruise in October) is due next week.


    I do agree that Viking is not trying to market to the all inclusive crowd. I think they offer a solid product for the price point. A "solid product" isn't enough for some --> but there are always lots of options to choose from.


    Enjoy your planning....




    Fran, could you please be so kind to tell me what line you preferred over the other and why? I'm researching which line to go with and would love to hear your opinion since you have experienced several. Thank you

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