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d man

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Posts posted by d man

  1. (I am not a physician, nor give medical advice as everyone is different)


    BUT IMO-


    At the time of the cruise she will be over 10 weeks, Unless you have had issues/complications with pregnancies (as I have) and/or you are high risk for some sort, Go enjoy your cruise... Most people don't even know they are even pregnant until 8-12 weeks .. and the ship has no problems based on the policies until you are OVER 24 weeks...


    Shes pregnant not ill .. she can do everything until she is in her last trimester unless she has complications ..


    Congrads on your baby, this may be your last chance to enjoy time to yourself & as a couple, add baby and that makes 3 (5 in our case)


    If it was me, My rear would be on the ship...



    I agree with Xelcaz, if she is feeling fine, then go. This may well be your last vacation for only the two of you. Congrads and good luck.

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