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Posts posted by catnipper

  1. I thought the food was mediocre at best. Mashed potatoes tasted instant except for the Thanksgiving dinner of the cruise. Also, first time I have done free seating. Oh my gosh - I thought it was much more trouble than it was worth and - seemed like it could have flowed much more easily.


    I do have some menus, but just got home and am whipped. Perhaps later.


    No menu but I just got off today. Worst food for lunch and dinner in all my cruises. No flavor whatsoever. Only good thing was prime rib and mashed potatoes.


    Breakfast was good. Crisp bacon, the pre made scrambled eggs were good. No longer have the display of eggs Benedict. Didn't see any salmon or spinach near the cook.


    Room service sent me the wrong lunch order twice in one day.

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