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  • Location
    United States
  • Interests
    Dance, dogs, & travel
  • Favorite Cruise Line(s)
    Royal Caribbean
  • Favorite Cruise Destination Or Port of Call
    Rome, Italy

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Cool Cruiser

Cool Cruiser (2/20)

  1. Thank you! We do have the same mailing address. I'll make sure to call this week!
  2. Hello! My fiancé and I are will be sailing in April. I'm a Diamond member and he's a Gold (just shy of Platinum). Is it possible for my fiancé to receive the same diamond benefits as well? I've heard that Royal Caribbean will match for same household, but I've also heard they won't do it unless you are married. I was wondering what other's experience with this was and if it was worth calling ahead to get my fiancé the same benefits. Thank you in advance!
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