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Posts posted by SINYFam

  1. Since we can bring 1 bottle of wine per person on the ship with us. I wanted to pick-up the wine locally rather than schlep it from NY.


    So, I looked up liquor stores near the port and every one that I have called so far seems to be gone - no answer or, non-working number.


    Does anyone know of any open liquor stores near the port?? If so, can you supply the name and phone number??


    Thank you so much.


  2. Sorry but I didn't think to ask this before as I just assumed that soda 'card' literally means a card, you know, hard plastic. However, in speaking to someone earlier today, she said that her girls had wrist bands placed on them when they were on another cruise line earlier this year.


    So, do we get 'cards', wrist bands or, something else altogther?


    Also, since we can bring on a small amount of canned soda, bottled water and wine, is there a liquor store nearby that we can walk to or order from? If we can order from them, do they deliver?


    If we want to swim with the dolphins in Cozemel, is the snorkeling good in Jamaica?




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