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Posts posted by kjclosson

  1. I can drive less than 3 hours to the port and get on a ship that will take me to the Caribbean without having to jump on a plane and pay for excess luggage. The longer the cruise the better, we just finished a 12 night out of Bayonne and this was the longest cruise I had been on. I was actually able to relax given I had 3 days before we even got to ports to enjoy the ship. We also got to go to 6 ports, can't usually do that on a 7 day out of Florida. Clearly the demand is high for cruises out of the northeast, bookings are filling up for next year, I already had to take a second choice because the date I wanted is booked. Bad weather is not exclusive to the northern Atlantic, storms can happen anywhere. Try and keep an open mind. It may not be your cup of tea, but others seem to enjoy it.

  2. Too bad the news vans will swarm all these people who are lined up to get off the ship. Go on Twitter and you will see the pictures of lines of people up and down decks 4 and 5. These people have had enough of an ordeal without a camera and microphone in their face asking for a play by play. The news will get their hot takes and make it even more dramatic than necessary.

  3. Anthem is back in New York harbor. Happy to see it! Sorry your trip got cut short. Have a safe trip home and hope your next cruise turns out better.



    I was just watching it myself on the live webcam, I'm not on this cruise. I was on Anthem 1/3-1/15. But I'm sure all those onboard appreciate your well wishes [emoji106]🏻[emoji3]

  4. Taking this cruise in 2 weeks and just loved your review, answered many of my questions.


    Re: bingo....did you have to purchase a marker? I have a few at home and would bring one as opposed to having to purchase one. Is that allowed.


    you will love this cruise :) I am posting the compasses right after this reply


    also you don't need to buy one of their markers for bingo, the one you bring from home is fine. they just seem like a smaller version on the ship. I would just go easy with the one from home, the paper of the bingo cards is thin on the ship, ink might go right through.

  5. Soooo got all the compasses scanned in last night. Got up late bc of that, and jumped in the shower pretty late. And my luck lost power while in the shower, which where we live means no water either. It blinked a few more times and I was able to rinse what remaining shampoo in my hair out. It was a combination of freezing cold and scalding hot for the last 30 seconds. Had to sit in front of the fire place to dry my hair, like ye olde times. Here is a few pictures to make you want to go away on a cruise. I will post the compasses when we get power back on, would drain the power of my phone if I tried.





  6. Thanks for the wonderful review!!



    THANK YOU for the wonderful review!




    We're going to be on the same itinerary in a few short weeks so seeing the compasses would be terrific. :cool:



    Thanks for the positive responses, I enjoyed the cruise so it was easy to write about having a good time.


    I hope your cruise is nice and long like ours was, I will have the compasses up shortly.

  7. I seriously like your attitude op. I too read many negative reviews finally stopped reading them they were making me not enjoy my cruise and had not even been on it yet. I have always said a cruise is what you make of it. If you have a legitimate complaint take it to customer services and let it end there. No need to bring others down. You are a lady with class. Thank you very much.




    One question how much was BINGO, when was it and where was it?



    During the cruise, bingo took place in the Music Hall and Royal Theater, morning and a afternoon session. By the end of the cruise more people into it so it was held in Royal Theater for more seats. It was $55 for the "winners pack" which was all 3 of the games for each session and each game had 9 chances. You could do the 3 chance ones for all 3 games too, I just always went for the big packs. Also I miss the punch thru bingo, I don't love the inky dobbers, but messy. On the compasses you can see the sessions so I will get on that.


    [emoji599]ATTN[emoji599] I said I will be posting the compasses, I just need to bang them all out at once. I just want them to be easy to read so I want to make sure they look right. Supposed to get 7" of snow by 3pm tomorrow so I will have plenty of time. Thanks again for all the positive responses.

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