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Posts posted by Impasto

  1. Hi. I’m looking for an online resource to figure out when a given riverboat was last refurbished. This will be helpful for me in evaluating possible cruises as I prefer newer ships OR recently refurbished. Does anyone have a website / link that provides that specific piece of information for any given ship? Finding the dates a ship was built is easy, but I can’t seem to find a resource for calling out refurbishments of older ships. 



  2. If I understand it the OP wants to know if they'll pour a taste just to try without having to actually buy....




    That's what I've been offered on more than on occasion. (This has been in Blu)



    Thanks for all the quick, relevant replies! And love the box-o-wine cartoon, too. Regarding intent of my question, it's more about having the opportunity to sample a wine that's going to cost something before buying. Although making the choice to say "no thanks" is obviously a possible outcome. That said, I like the idea of trying something just to try it - if I saw a Spanish red from a region I'd not tried before, but not in the mood for that varietal but might want to plan ahead for my next meal (yes, I do that), this is a good option.

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