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Posts posted by jlajla

  1. Cruising May 28 on Oasis and I JUST got around to reserving shows for my group of 8. I NEVER wait this long, but when I went into the hateful RCI website (lol) to book, I found that my shows are all booked, so I had to make some quick adjustments and do the best I could. It meant that my kids will be up WAAAAAAY too late and there will be some shuffling one night. Additionally, by the time I went back in to the reservation for one of our other rooms (could not get the website to behave and let me add guests from another reservation, but that is another story), the ice show was booked. Thus, 3 of us got that show but not the other 5.


    Lesson learned... don't wait until 11 days before sailing to book shows. Frankly, I do not much care if I miss some shows, but some of my group is going to be cranky. So here is my question.... how hard is it to get into a show (specifically, the ice show, but all, really) from the "wait line"?


    I am so irritated with myself for making this mistake. Ugh. Someone make me feel better about maybe getting into the shows at the times that will work better for my kiddos. lol. Any tips?



  2. When we booked Oasis for an upcoming trip in May, we were given MTD, but they ended up pulling us off of a waiting list and we are now in the traditional timeslot we requested. I cannot remember how we found out.... maybe just call periodically and check.


    You will get LOTS of opinions on MTD vs. Traditional here, but here is my 2 cents - I tried MTD once and really, really hated it. I like the consistency of having the same wait staff, who knows exactly what I like and do not like. Also, we ended up making "reservations" most nights (usually the night before), but when we would arrive, there was sometimes a wait. Not a big deal, but I like just knowing where my table is, going in and flopping down in "my" seat. I guess I am a creature of habit! The wait staff in the MTD area also just did not seem as friendly, but maybe that was just because we never got time to know them as well.


    That said, ANY meal that you have on a cruise is better than any meal you have off a cruise, so enjoy. ;)

  3. I am married to the whitest man on the planet, and he is not a huge beach lover. Going to St. Thomas in May with other family members who DO like the sun. Leaning toward a couple hours on Coki because:


    (1) it is a beach stop with Godfrey's tour (have used in past and like him)

    (2) have been to Magen's before and think I want a change this time

    (3) have a teen who wants to snorkle


    However, if there is not ample shade at Coki, that is a deal-breaker. Can anyone weigh in? I do not want a cranky/burnt hubby. ;)

  4. We have not cruised in 4 years. Hopped back on CC to do some research, and I noticed one change - the character breakfasts are now not free anymore. Looks like drink packages have changed as well. That got me thinking.... what else has changed in the last 4 years? Anyone care to make my research easier and fill me in? ;)


    Is the menu different? We are headed to Oasis in May, if that helps. Thanks!

  5. We did it free years ago when it was free. I remember the food being different from the usual - lots of fun chocolate stuff. That said, we will not do it on our trip in May due to the cost. Not worth a surcharge, in my opinion, unless the kid(s) are really excited about it. The dreamworks characters are accessible in other places as well on the ship....

  6. I agree the video audio clearly says "don't let him jump"..


    SunkissedMommy - thank you for the balcony photo!! We have 2 balconies booked (1st cruise) with the intention of putting the kids in the adjoining one and us in the other. But the past couple of nights I close my eyes at night and start worrying and thinking we should stick to dad/son and mom/daughter rooms. It's reassuring to see just how high that balcony is!


    When we took our kids on Allure (they were 9/6/4 at the time) I had initially made a rule that they were NEVER to be on the balcony alone. That ended about an hour into the trip.... those rails are so high, and are curved inward (right? someone correct me if I am wrong). I realized the kids could NEVER fall off, and could not even climb their way up that glass. Fear not!

  7. I'm a balcony cruiser. One of my favorite things in the world is stepping out onto the balcony in the morning to watch the ship dock into a new port. I would hate to have to get dressed to do that. Same at night... sitting out in my jammies and listening to the waves makes the expense worth it.


    That said, I would do an inside if it meant I could cruise more often, but I don't see that happening, so I want the light and waves. Dh, on the other hand, is solidly opposed to an indoor cabin. :( Funny, actually, since he is the one who leaves all the blinds pulled around the house, whereas the first thing I do in the morning is open every blind to let in the light!


    For the record, my DH is a total baby about having a dark room to sleep in (we even have ugly light-blocking shades in our room - ugh), but the balcony room does not bother him at all. Those curtains block out EVERYTHING when pulled closed.

  8. Honestly, just about all these companies offer great tours. I have done Captain Marvins 3 times and enjoyed it each time. Just avoid the giant ship excursions and you will be fine. Have fun!


    Oh, and if you do Captain Marvins, they will offer you some digital pictures on disk. Make 'em sweat it as to whether or not you want to purchase and then haggle haggle haggle at the end. I think I paid about 10% of what the other folks aboard paid. ;)

  9. Some really great tips, and now another argument over who is rude and who is not. Sigh.


    (1) Beware of how windy it can be on deck at night AND in the morning. I went all the way to the front of the ship on Navigator early one morning, and nearly blew away. For real - it was seriously scary and probably should have been closed off.


    (2) I also agree that you should be careful not to overplan. Just enjoy your time and roll with it. If you "miss" anything, you'll just have to go back. ;)


    (3) See how people bicker and gripe at eachother on these boards? Let's try not to let it happen on board. (Hey, a girl can dream).


    Enjoy - there is nothing better than a trip to sea.

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