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Posts posted by jakehowell

  1. I like to eat alot. On one of my first curises, I counted eating and snacking 17 times in one day.


    If you are like me, you are trying to lose a few pounds before boarding. Whatever you do stop dieting and start eating normal 4-5 day before you leave. The only time I have ever been sick on a cruise was when I dieted right up to leaving. The rich food on-board will mess-up your system if you change over to fast.

  2. with jeans in my luggage before. It's a little heavy but makes the trip with the seacaps just fine.


    If re-stocking at one of the ports, always buy two bottles. Carry one in your tote and the other in the bag from the shop. When the x-ray person sees them, you will be sent to the turn-in table. Turn-in the shop bag and carry the other to your room. Coming back on board is a busy time for security and as long as you go to the turn-in table, they will never know how many bottles you turned in.

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