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Posts posted by Libby13

  1. Thanks everyone. Taking them to wear for breakfast or even just a balcony dinner seems a good idea. I have got a couple of maxi dresses I'm planning on bringing as well for evenings but I think I will also get some trousers to wear with nice tops.

    First cruise so a little nervous!! :rolleyes:

  2. Thanks for all the advice, I'm not sure what those restaurants are don't think we get them in the UK (or I've just never heard of them!) but I think what I'll do is take some legging outfits, we are driving to port so no luggage restrictions, and check out what other people are wearing, see if I think I'd feel comfortable and not 'out of place' and go from there. Can always wear them on a buffet night if not! ;)

  3. Hi all, hope you don't mind me jumping in on the back of this question. We're sailing on the Emerald Princess in July around the med and I'm wondering if I could wear leggings on casual nights in the mdr and not look out of place? I like to wear them with pretty loose tops or dresses that would seem too short otherwise (I'm early 30s if that adds anything to anyone's opinion). Thanks in advance

  4. Hi all, just found this thread and have had great fun looking through at all the gorgeous dress pictures. We've got our first cruise in July on the Emerald princess to the Mediterranean and I've no idea what to take for formal nights. Will have to come back to ask your opionions! Just recently gone back up a dress size so have one or two old dresses from when I was this size before that might fit or I could just go shopping! :p Love the tip about wearing shorts under dresses.

  5. Hi, we are sailing on the Emerald Princess in July as first time cruisers and were wondering about the Unlimited Soda & More package. Has anyone had this before and could tell me what sort of things are included? For example are bottles of water included or could I get those free anyway? Any advice greatly appreciated!

    I'm sure I'll be back with more questions before July :rolleyes:

  6. Thanks everyone. As we are getting Euros anyway will use those for any tips as well. Didn't want to make a tipping faux pas!!

    John Bull thanks for that bit of information, everything will be going on my partner's credit card so I'll pass that on to him as well. Probably something we'd have assumed would be worth doing so glad you mentioned it.

  7. We are due to go on our first cruise in July to the Mediterranean on the Emerald Princess sailing from Southampton (we are British). I've been reading all the really helpful tips on here from previous cruisers and one thing I am confused about is tipping. We will more than likely do the tips package included on our cruise but would like to give a bit extra to room stewards etc. Everything I have read so far says tips in dollars, is this because everyone who has given advice has been American or is this standard? Before reading all that I would have assumed for this cruise either Euro's or Pounds. Help!

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