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Everything posted by BellaOnline

  1. Hurrah! It's only 8 months later, but I finally have loaded up all 89 videos from my August 2022 cruise to Greece and Turkey! This trip is now wholly documented and complete. Let me know if you have any remaining questions.
  2. We finally, months later, received an email from Regent saying in essence 'airlines suck, and that's just the way things are.' Regent took zero responsibility for the situation or for leaving us hanging. They refused to reimburse my mom for the Uber ride she had to use to get back home from the alternate airport. So it was just a troubling situation all around. I am just SO SO grateful Air Canada invested the time and patience to find us alternate flights home. Otherwise we would have been stranded in Istanbul and required to arrange fresh, brand new flights using our own money, which probably couldn't have been same-day, meaning we'd have to find a new hotel, etc. etc. Even now, when I go back and reread my notes, I get very stressed. I am so grateful we got home and that Air Canada's person calmly got us through it. And part of what makes it awful is that it was WHOLLY unnecessary. The seats were empty. It's not like Turkish Air double-booked the seats. They were wholly empty and waiting for us. Turkish Air simply refused to lift a finger to figure out their tech snafu. And they were nastily hostile about it.
  3. I now have all the slideshows and videos from my Greece / Turkey cruise up through everything documenting the city of Istanbul itself. What remains is primarily all the video I shot the final night to document each of the ship's various public rooms. I'll let you know when I get the 'ship tour' part done. Enjoy! This link is to the full playlist of 57 videos (so far). https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcVdcGvvgOSYM8yZ8ucua3i03PcCbYBhM
  4. Here's the slideshow of 230 photos from our full-day exploration of Istanbul, Turkey last August. This was a BUSY day. There will then be about 50 short videos to go with this of various locations in the city and on board the Regent Seven Seas Explorer. I'll post those as I find time! Ask with any questions.
  5. Prayer Wheels / Mani Wheels / Mantra Mill by Asian Restaurant Pacific Rim:
  6. First short from Dikili Turkey - a tender approaching the ship along with a look along the shoreline.
  7. Slideshow from Day 9 / Dikili Turkey. We stayed on board, so this is mostly of the food from the Middle Eastern buffet and from the Asian-themed restaurant. There will also be 9 short videos coming over the next few days. I've been really busy with life!
  8. Ephesus Turkey - Sailing Away from port - I have three more shorts to go for this day, and then I will move on to Day 9 / Dikili. I'm in the home stretch :). Just been busy!
  9. Ephesus Turkey short showing how the shopkeepers walk right in front of you to nearly block you -
  10. I'm still working on the short videos for Day 8 which was in Ephesus Turkey. Here's the main slideshow of all my still photos. Then I have a few short videos done so far.
  11. This slideshow is Day 7 of my recent 10-day cruise on the Regent Seven Seas Explorer through Greece and Turkey. Today we explored the main city area of Rhodes, Greece on foot. We had lunch in a delightful cafe at a plaza, enjoying stuffed grape leaves. We returned on board to listen to some guitar music, then had dinner in the delicious Chartreuse restaurant. There's about 125 photos from today.
  12. Here's the full slideshow of photos from Day 6 / Antalya. There are only a few from the actual city of Antalya, which I wasn't fond of. There are photos of all the meals and menus. We had lunch at Chartreuse which is really tasty. About 100 photos in all. No 'short videos' from today.
  13. I suppose both the TA and Regent are technically correct here. Our TA reached out to Regent immediately. Regent responded with something along the lines of "It may take us several months to get to you because we're very busy." So that was a response. Still no ACTUAL USEFUL response yet (or I suppose what I as a human being would call an actual response). Yes I absolutely found the lack of Regent phone response while at the airport in a fairly serious situation to be egregious. Someone should have been available to answer phones. Regent gets paid a LOT of money for their services. For the feet, on that leg of the flight there was no real separation between the sections. There were I think three rows of seats in the front for business class, then a light curtain, then a continuation of the seats going back. So it was barely a thin piece of fabric separating one row from another. It was a "non-business-class" person behind me doing this to me. By this point I was beyond exhausted and just didn't care. I wasn't going to antagonize the person sitting behind me to make them start kicking my seat all flight long. I could deal with toes. I just tried to get some sleep.
  14. There is still no contact at all from Regent, beyond the Regent person posting here in the forum that they would look into things. My travel agent has not gotten any response at all from their messages to Regent besides a "we will look into it". That is extremely scary about the Australian couple. Who in their right mind would book an 18 month old baby on its own flight like that??? As a parent that would tip me over the edge.
  15. Day 5 on my August cruise was a visit at Bodrum Turkey. Mom and I visited an **amazing** castle and I took about 250 photos. Here's the full slideshow of images. We also ate in the restaurant "Chartreuse" that evening which was equally lovely. I took photos of all menus and meal items. A wonderful day all around. There are also two shorts, linked to it, of the ship sailing out of port.
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