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Posts posted by Daizy

  1. We've used pack n' plays on ships a half-dozen times and they have been in various conditions ranging from clean to filthy to completely broken. Based on our experiences if I was driving to the port I would bring my own.


    I would bring your own fitted sheet (or two) as well. They usually just use a twin bed sheet and fold it around some blankets for extra padding. Never stayed tucked in very well so putting that fitted sheet around it helps.


    Thanks! That's what I was afraid of/needed to hear. And totally makes sense on why people bring their own sheets now, too :) I was also thinking about how we'd wash them if there were a diaper leak - but I guess it makes sense to bring two and if we happen to dirty them both, then we can make do with a twin sheet folded. Thanks again!

  2. Not sure if this will help, but we have had two opposite experiences with Pack n Plays.


    1) We did a Holland America cruise and had a pack n play reserved. It was waiting for us in the cabin, seemed clean, and was basically a non issue. I would note that they don't have fitted sheets for them...they just give you a twin size sheet to use.


    2) We did a Royal Carribbean cruise and they could never produce one for us. We had it reserved and confirmed by our TA, but when we got on the ship they were befuddled by the request. The steward, the suite concieger, even the Hotel Manager had no idea what we wanted. We did talk to other parents on the ship who did get pack n plays, so I am not sure why they could never get one to us. Our son eneded up sleeping on the couch...and never wanted to back to his crib once we got home :)


    If you are driving to the port and you have room in the car anyway, based on my experience, I would recommend you bring your own. If there are space issues and/or a giant pain to lug it around, I would roll the dice on the ship providing one.


    It does help - thanks! I have asked our TA a zillion times about this pack n play, and she says we have one reserved. I hope it shows up! We're travelling with a group (but we're the only ones with kids!) so I could potentially have some extra hands to carry our pack n play too. I'm leaning toward bringing it just to be safe. We try hard to recreate our home setting/schedule while on vacation so we have as seemless transitions as possible, and I definitely think I want her contained in the pack n play. (I'll have to share your couch story with DH when he gripes about lugging our pack n play along :))


    I've read about the twin sheets too - I think as long as it's folded under pretty well we shouldn't have an issue, so I wasn't thinking about bringing our own fitted sheets. She's mobile, so I wouldn't have as much of a concern as with a newborn not having snug fitting sheets. Anyone have anything I'm not thinking of regarding this?

  3. We didn't use one for DD (used couch/floor), but I haven't heard any horror stories. You might want to check into getting a coverplay. It's a cover for pack n plays. That would be much easier to travel with & you could use it in hotels, etc.


    Thanks. I did just check them out - they're a bit more than I'd want to spend, and I'm hoping (fingers crossed) this will be our last trip really needing to use a pack n play, as she's almost two, and she's our last baby :)

  4. Has anyone considered bringing your own pack n play? We have a 4.5 year old who we're hoping to sleep on the couch turned around, and a 22 month old who will use a pack n play. I'm not really a germaphobe, but I know that pack n plays are hard to clean/sanitize! Anyone have experience with this? We're driving to the port, so bringing our own won't be much of a problem besides the hassle of another thing to carry. I definitely would rather not bring our own if we really don't need to, but I don't want to be sorry either if we get there and it's pretty gross looking. This is our first cruise with kids, so I'm wondering how clean (or dirty) you have found the ship's pack n plays to be, and if I'm crazy for considering bringing our own!

  5. We purchased one to fly with our 2 year old, so he would feel as if he were in a car seat, and be less inclined to want to move all around the seats during flight. Worked like a charm. We've used it a few times since (he's 4.5 now) and he is tickled that he gets his own special harness. Win-win for us, easy and small to carry along, provides extra safety, and keeps him contained :) We've been lucky enough to not have to travel with a car seat yet!


    Not sure if you're aware, but when we were deciding on the purchase, there were also ones available for rent online for much less (I want to say less than $20). That's an option if you want to test it out and not be out $75 (or however much they cost - it was a while ago for us now) if it doesn't work for your child.

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