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Posts posted by rossco_p

  1. Our 9 and 11 year old boys were on the Silhouette 2 months ago. The Kids Club was very focused on engaging activities for the children and the staff were genuine and kind. Both boys enjoyed it immensely and they went freely every day. Celebrity has no water slides etc, so the only children oriented activities were provided at the Kids Club. They encouraged social interaction with other kids and my two boys made good friends very quickly, which seemed to be the motivation to them wanting to keep going back there (and not have to hang out with mum and dad!).  

  2. My 9 and 11 year old boys were recently on the Silhouette. They really enjoyed the Camp at sea. The staff were great and the boys made lots of friends. They went every evening and sometimes in the afternoon as well if we were not ashore.

  3. Day 4 – Thursday - Depart Melbourne – At Sea


    DS2 lost a baby tooth last night while brushing his teeth before going to bed. Without really thinking, I put 5 dollars under his pillow for him to find this morning. Consequently, most of our time at breakfast involved me answering questions from DS2 such as "How did the Tooth Fairy know where I was?" and "How did the TF get to the ship?" I explained that the TF and I came to an arrangement last night, through a series of texts, whereby I forked out the money and now TF owes me 5 bucks when I get back to Brisbane. There was still an air of scepticism by the time breakfast was finished with DW shaking her head at how my impulsiveness got me into yet another jam.


    After breakfast we returned to the cabin to change into our swim gear. This morning we decided to laze by the outside pool while the boys swam. Our room (B504) is only about 10 metres from the lifts and stairs, which is very convenient. There are 3 sets of elevators on the Diamond Princess (forward, midships and aft). They appeared to work very efficiently with only minimal waiting times. However, this was from observation only, because I had resolved that the family would not be using the elevators at all while on board. DS1 and DS2 briefly labelled me "the worst dad in the world" for instituting a stairs only policy for the entire cruise. But they got over it fairly quickly and were soon racing each other up and down each floor as we made our way to the various decks.


    The boys spent the morning swimming, in between applying sunscreen every hour and ordering alcohol-free strawberry daiquiris with their soda package. At 11.30am I re-commenced my mission of sampling every beer on board.


    After lunch the boys decided they wanted to go to the afternoon kids club and so at 1pm we were lined up waiting for it to open (Shockwaves). Again I was surprised at the small number of children waiting.

    “I wonder why there aren’t that many kids on this cruise?” I mused aloud.

    “Maybe they are all on the P & O ship which has a water slide?” offered DS1.

    “Or maybe they are all at home doing chores. Should we do that next year for our holidays?” I responded. The boys fell quiet.


    Having deposited the boys at kids club, DW decided to go to the gym. I wished her all the best and I headed to the Terrace Pool at the aft of the ship to watch the Diamond Princess sail away from Melbourne. She left at 1.30pm and she will remain at sea until she gets to Port Arthur on Saturday.

    The Terrace Pool is on the Aloha deck which is an adults only area. It is a quiet retreat for those who want to lounge around, read a book and sip a beer or cocktail while avoiding the noise and bustle of the main pool. One deck above, overlooking the Terrace Pool is the Outrigger bar on the Lido deck. It was here I continued my beer quest and I ordered a Grolsch and perched myself on a bar stool and watched the ship’s wake trail away as the Diamond Princess steamed towards Bass Strait.

    I spent a relaxing hour sipping my beer (which I really enjoyed) and reading Bruce Springsteen’s autobiography – Born To Run (which I did not enjoy as much as I thought I would – too many musings, too little detail IMHO).


    Dinner was at 5.30 pm. After the requisite prawn cocktails, I had the Fettucine pasta with Lobster. I thought this was one of the tastiest pasta dishes I have had in a long time. DW had the Slow-roasted Beef Striploin Au Poivre which she also enjoyed.


    After dinner we went to Karaoke at Club Fusion which is large bar/club at the aft end of the ship on Deck 7 (The Promenade Deck). It was hosted by Yumi, one of several very enthusiastic Japanese assistant cruise directors onboard. The boys decided to get up and perform something called the Duck Song which made no sense but got a rousing round of applause nonetheless.

    I sang Creedence Clearwater Revival’s “Down on the Corner.” The TV screen stated it was to be sung in the key of “G” however at various times I do believe I was singing in the key of A, F, D sharp and B flat minor. Polite applause ensued after my effort.

    I avoided the Beverley Hills Iced Teas tonight and went to bed with a clearer head.


    The Terrace pool. Also pictured - a nice bottle of Grolsch and slightly disappointing Bruce Springsteen autobiography.



    Karaoke at Club Fusion with Yumi one of the Japanese assistant cruise directors.


  4. Day 3 – Wednesday - Melbourne


    We woke to find ourselves docked in Melbourne. Today was my birthday whereupon I turned "forty and a bit more". I celebrated by finding a few more grey hairs while shaving in front of the bathroom mirror.


    One thing of note is that the power sockets on board are American and we did not bring a converter. However, the only thing I needed to charge was my phone. Most people probably know this, but just in case you were not aware, there is a USB port in the back of the television that you can plug your phone charger cable into. The TV does not even have to be on for your phone to re-charge.


    We had a casual breakfast and sauntered off the ship and headed into Melbourne. I wanted to show the boys Federation square which is noted for its groovy angular geometric panels used on the building exteriors and its outback inspired paving stones of the main square. We took a tram, as the boys had never caught a tram before and they found it quite exciting. Halfway into our journey, a man snuck on with a live chicken in a box. He was trying to keep it quiet because obviously such a thing is not allowed on public transport. His efforts were thwarted somewhat with the boys pointing and shouting “that man has a chicken in a box!” He got off at the next stop.


    When we got to Federation square there was certainly a buzz about the place. Lots of people were hanging out, sipping café lattes or taking selfies in front of the architecture. Paul McCartney fever must have caught on in Melbourne during his current tour, because there was a busker playing all of his hits. I requested “Temporary Secretary” but he told me to bugger off.


    We had some sushi for lunch and then decided to go to the Esplanade Hotel at St Kilda. During my courting days with DW, we loved to visit Melbourne a few times a year and would always enjoy a drink at the Esplanade Hotel. I wanted to show the boys where their mother and I had some nice memories together. Against my better judgement I ordered an ordered an UBER. The UBER driver arrived in quick time and after refusing his offer of a bottle of water we headed off the Esplanade Hotel. We talked excitedly in the car about how wonderful it would be to have a beer at a place we had not been to in nearly 15 years. Twenty minutes later we pulled up outside the Esplanade Hotel. I looked out the window in disbelief. It was closed down. It looked derelict; obviously it had not been open for many years. I turned to the UBER driver and said “Did you know this place was shut?”

    He just nodded and said “Yep”.

    “Well why did you bring us here?” I asked incredulously.

    He shrugged, “That’s where you said you wanted to go.” I figured logic was not going to win this battle so we all got out and the UBER driver whizzed away.

    We stood morosely outside the abandoned Hotel for a few minutes unsure what to do. Eventually we did what any normal person would do - took some photos of the abandoned, dilapidated pub.

    Then we crossed the road to visit the Royal Melbourne Yacht Squadron. DW and the boys are all avid sailors and inside there was a lot of interesting memorabilia. After a good look around, we had beers and soft drinks at the bar, which we were surprised to find was packed (maybe they were all fellow devastated former Esplanade Hotel drinkers).


    We headed back to ship in time for dinner (tonight I managed to take a photo of my dessert before I ate it) and then the boys went to kids club which they really enjoyed (7pm to 10pm). There are fewer children on this cruise than I thought there would be, given that it is school holidays, so getting them into kids club was no problem (it is first come first served).

    DW and I went to trivia at the Explorer’s lounge which was fun. The table service was very good; we never had to go to the bar. I had a Beverley Hills Iced Tea which I highly recommend. But I suggest having no more than 2, otherwise the next morning you may feel like you have woken up in the gutter on Rodeo Drive.




    Dessert - It tasted like a large Ferrero Rocher



    Explorer's Lounge - Home to many lost trivia games


  5. Day 2- At sea 12th December


    The beds in our cabin were very comfortable and we had a great sleep. The Diamond Princess is very smooth; no rocking. I got up and had a quick shower so we could have breakfast and settle by the pool. The shower was small but perfectly functional. Of course there’s nothing like a clingy shower curtain sticking to your butt to make you a little self-conscious about the size of the posterior aspects of your body. The water was hot and the pressure was good.


    Breakfast at the Horizon Court was the usual breakfast buffet fare. There were scrambled and fried eggs as well as omelettes. There was English and American bacon, sausages and occasionally there was steak; enough to satisfy the most carnivorous of breakfast goers. You could have waffles and pancakes with syrup and an array of muffins. Asian food was also on offer such as noodles and miso soup. The staples like cereal, yoghurt and fresh fruit were in plentiful supply. Pretty much anything you could want for breakfast was available.

    With regards to the coffee service, maybe it was my grumpy face, but I found it was delivered to our table very promptly every morning. I never get excited about cruise ship coffee and this was no exception. It was passable, but if your average coffee snob in metropolitan Sydney was served such a beverage at one of the million outlets we encountered during our walk in the city, they would have thrown back in the Barista’s face.


    After breakfast we made our way to the indoor Calypso pool. We managed to find some chairs with reasonable ease close to the side of the pool so that we could keep an eye on the boys while they swam. The Calypso pool is a nice oasis away from the hot sun and the sometimes blustery Pacific wind outside. It is air conditioned and less noisy than the main exterior pool (Neptune’s Reef). After settling into my chair, I began reading my “cruise novel” - James Joyce's “Ulysses”. This will be my 5th attempt at reading this laborious book. Over the course of my adult life I have tried many times to read it in its entirety. My best effort was to get up to chapter 5, but then work and parenthood intervened, requiring me to employ a better use of my time. At each attempt, I always have to start again because I can never remember what the hell was going on. This time, I figured 8 days on a cruise ship would give me sufficient leeway to finally finish it (spoiler alert - I only got up to page 15).


    After a lengthy discussion between myself and DW, we decided that 11.30am was not too early for a drink and I sauntered up to the Calypso bar to get a beer. I have found none of the bars to be very busy so far on this cruise and I was served immediately. They have a wide range of beers on board including Grolsch, Fosters, Heineken and Pure Blonde. In the interest of writing a well informed blog I decided it would be best to try all of them, so that was my little mission for the rest of the cruise. That’s the sacrifices we make.


    We decided to take advantage of this sea day and spent most of it just lounging around the while the boys swam, got an ice cream, swam, got a piece of pizza, swam, got a hot dog, swam, got a cheeseburger…you get the idea. The ice cream bar, pizzeria and burger grill are all centred around the outside pool and they are all free, which was great.


    There was a good mix of Nationalities on board. Australians were in the majority with about a quarter being Japanese. I detected a few American/Canadian accents and a smattering of other nationalities. Throughout the whole cruise people were mostly polite and courteous to each other when it came to lining up for food or using pool chairs. Only once in the Princess Theatre, when everyone was piling in for a show, did I see things get a little “pushy”.


    Speaking of which, that night we went to the production show “Bravo”. It was a polished performance with lots of singing and dancing and sparkly costumes. The Opera singer from the Philippines was very good. After the show we went to bed, well I went to bed; the boys watched a movie on the TV. Princess has a good selection of on-demand films.


    Tomorrow we would arrive in Melbourne and I had a few exciting activities planned.

  6. Day 1 - Monday 11th December – Embarkation - Sydney


    Thank you very much everybody for your kind comments.


    Today was embarkation day. We left our hotel at 11.30am. Our boarding time was 12.30pm at the Overseas Passenger Terminal. A large crowd was already lining up by the time we arrived via taxi but the boarding was handled very efficiently and the whole process took only about an hour.


    Our itinerary was as follows:


    Mon, Dec 11 Sydney, Australia. Depart 4.00pm

    Tues, Dec 12 At Sea

    Wed, Dec 13 Melbourne, Australia. Arrive 7.00am

    Thu, Dec 14 Melbourne, Australia. Depart 2.00pm

    Fri, Dec 15 Wineglass Bay and Oyster Bay, Australia (scenic cruising)

    Sat, Dec 16 Port Arthur (Tasmania), Australia. Arrive 7.00am, Depart 4.00pm

    Sat, Dec 16 Hobart, Australia. Arrive 7.00pm

    Sun, Dec 17 Hobart, Australia. Depart 5.00pm

    Mon, Dec 18 At Sea

    Tue, Dec 19 Sydney, Australia. Arrive 7.00am


    The Diamond Princess is a Japanese influenced ship and she splits her time between Japan/Asia routes and Australia/New Zealand tours, depending on the season (she is usually slumming it Down Under for the summer).


    After we boarded we made our way to our room which was on the Baja deck, Balcony Stateroom B504 on the port side.

    First impressions of the cabin? It was larger than I thought it would be. Certainly big enough to swing a cat, so ours should count herself lucky she went to the cattery. This is our first time with a balcony and the boys were excited about this, it certainly makes the room seem larger when the door is open. We had a great view of the Sydney Opera House while we were still tied up. (Will post photo shortly).


    We had twin beds with two bunk beds which were lowered from the ceiling each evening to comfortably accommodate the four of us.


    We bought the boys the unlimited soda package, so that DW and I could blame their nutty behaviour on sugary, caffeinated beverages rather than our poor parenting skills. But seriously we are not one of "those" parents that let their kids run wild on a cruise. If they are not in kids club, they are with us at all times and we make sure they respect the other passengers.


    For those of you who might be interested in what kind of photographic equipment I am using. I have a clapped out iPhone 6 with a nearly full memory and a battery that is on its last legs. But it still has a decent camera, I just had to be very particular about how many photos I took and the amount of time spent doing it.


    We had lunch at the buffet in Horizon Court which was packed (not unexpected on the first day). It took about 10 minutes to find a table for the four of us. Lunch was nice with a wide selection of Eastern and Western cuisine. Whenever we ate in the Horizon Court, there were plenty of things that the boys would eat, including pasta with meatballs, different types of noodles and there was always a fish dish and carved roast meats served every day.


    We went to the kids club (“Shockwaves” ages 8-12) for their information session and we registered the boys. The staff explained their policy of parents signing their children in and out each time and that parents always needed ID when picking them up, which was very reassuring.


    Then we went to the muster at 3.15pm which took about 45 minutes. Our muster was in the Explorer’s Bar which was a lot more civilised than our muster on the Legend of the Seas where we stood on a deck in the hot sun while a crew member shouted at us to stay in line while I tried to put life jackets on two fidgety boys.

    This time I let the boys work out how to put on their own life jackets and I was impressed with how quickly they figured it out. It reassured me that their “BMW education” is money being well spent. (I call their schooling a “BMW education” because their annual school fees are equivalent to driving a BMW off a cliff every year – I cry into my pillow at night usually only about once a month.)


    After the muster we went up to the pool deck for the Sailaway party. There were great views of the Sydney Harbour Bridge and The Opera House as we sailed out of Sydney Harbour. DW and I had the beverage package which made things a lot easier when it came to ordering drinks. Despite the large number of people on deck there was very little wait at the bar and also a reasonable number of servers were wandering around taking orders.


    After the Sailaway party we went to dinner. We had set time dining at 5.30pm. There are four separate main dining rooms of similar size on the Diamond Princess and we were in the Vivaldi room. Our head waiter was Neresh from Thailand. He was very efficient and friendly to the boys. He knew our names and drinks order after the first evening. I cannot recall exactly what I had for dinner but I know for a fact the boys had prawn cocktail because they ended up having it every night. It would magically appear 5 minutes after they sat down each evening, which they thought was quite remarkable. Over the 8 nights I found the food to be good to excellent. I never had something I did not enjoy.


    After dinner we wandered the ship exploring the different venues and then went to bed. Overall it was a very pleasant first day on the Diamond Princess.



  7. Sunday 10th December – Day before embarkation


    I have not read many recent travel blogs on CC about the Diamond Princess, so I thought I would post a review of our cruise, which was an 8 day voyage down the East Coast of Australia. We left from Sydney on Monday 11th December; and cruised to Tasmania via Melbourne before returning to Sydney on Tuesday 19th December.

    Myself and my DW are in our early forties and we have two boys - DS1 (aged 10) and DS2 (aged 8) who hereafter will collectively be referred to as “the boys”. We have an emotionally labile cat that obviously could not accompany us on or trip and was pretty annoyed to be sent to the cattery. We also have a bearded dragon that does not care much about anything, except where its next meal of crickets is coming from, so we left it at home to guard the house.

    We live in Brisbane and flew down to Sydney on Sunday, the morning before our cruise. DW and I were a little tired as we had been to see Paul McCartney the evening before and it turned into quite a late night. It was a good show and I am happy to answer any questions about it if anyone is curious (thankfully he did not play “Temporary Secretary” – check it out on YouTube, its terrible).

    Prior to this cruise we had sailed on the Sea Princess the year before, which we really enjoyed. We sailed up the North Queensland coast to Cairns where I had the misfortune to be menaced by a Cassowary. No major injuries, just the embarrassment associated with running away from an angry bird.

    The year before that, we went on the Legend of the Seas, which we liked not so much. It was a bit of an old tub compared to most of the other RCCL ships. Like a lot of the older cruise ships, the Legend was sent down to Australia when it began to reach retirement age, because apparently we in the Southern Hemisphere do not deserve nice things.

    We flew into Sydney at 11am. After we landed at the airport we caught a cab to our hotel. I prefer a taxi to UBER, because rather than have a forced, friendly conversation with an overly familiar driver who keeps offering me a bottle of water that I don’t want, I much prefer to enjoy the uncomfortable silence of a cab where I can stare silently out the window while intermittently catching glimpses of the meter that seems to be going up a little too quickly.

    We arrived at the hotel at about midday. After the boys performed the mandatory “jumping up and down on the bed and excitedly screaming” ritual, we decided to head out and look at the highlights of Sydney.

    Sydney is great place to visit, and an even nicer place to live if you have a handy millions dollars lying around. That is the minimum cost of a house if you want to reside anywhere within 15 kilometres of the CBD.

    We retired early after a nice afternoon of wandering around Sydney and marvelling at how it was possible to buy a coffee every 10 metres.

    Tomorrow will be embarkation day. I am writing this based on the few notes I managed to scribble in between drinking beers and snoozing in the sun by the pool. I will also consult my photos to help jog my memory and I will post any pictures that may be worthy (I know the standards are pretty high on these boards).

    I will try to post a review of each day of the cruise every 24 hours (work, family and cat commitments permitting).


    Grumpy cat refusing to leave:


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