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Posts posted by pbjberg

  1. I cruised on the Navigator of the Sea on September 16th of this year. I thought it would be fund to get a birthday present for my husband so I called Shelley and spoke to her. She was going to have a case of Coors Light for him. My sisters then called and were going to have two additional baskets (one for me and one for my husband) sent to our ship. Shelley did say that it may not get there until after we sail on that Saturday night. I did wait because there was also a delay in our luggage. When I didn't receive it by Sunday, I sent my sister an e-mail asking her to check with Shelley to see if the baskets and the beer had made it to the ship. At first Shelley said that we had to check with the purser. When we did, the purser said that they did not accept baskets. Shelley said that ships' pursers always said that. She did make us feel like we had to do the work to find it. I was really looking forward to see the look on my husband's face when he saw the surprise for him.
    Shelley said that this was the first time that this had ever happened. She talked to the driver and it was delivered to the ship. She was going to investigate it and if it was delivered to us later in the week, we could refuse it and take it back to security because at least she could get her profit back. I don't know whatever happened. All I know is that we never received any of the three packages we were supposed to receive.
    I was going to chalk this up to experience and not say anything, but as I am reading more and more, I am seeing that maybe this was not an isolated incident.
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