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Granny B

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Posts posted by Granny B

  1. Since Vietnam will be on several itineraries this season, I thought I would bump up this thread.


    Does anyone have recent experiences stopping at Xuat Anh on the way to Marble Mountain from Da Nang? These buyer be warned posts are really helpful.

  2. When we picked up our purchase in Miami we went to US customs before going to the warehouse. I think it is important to note that we did not have to pay any duty at all as our invoice was from Xuat Anh Art and stone sculpture. We were hit with a $105 warehouse fee which we were never told about. Once we uncrated our purchase it was obvious that instead of giving the sculpture a final professional polishing as promised, lacquer was applied which greatly diminishes the natural appearance of the marble which would have been better left off.


    Its cautionary tales like this that put me off buying in port anything valuable (eg gold or gemstones) or anything that needs shipping.

    And I'm afraid I hear it all too often. Not as-described, delays, extra costs, poorer quality than the item shown, damaged in transit, etc etc. And as the OP found out, time limitations negate any comeback on a credit card purchase.


    No doubt most transactions complete satisfactorily, but the proportion of problematic purchases and the logistical problems in resolving them are too great for me to contemplate.


    We visited a sculpture works at Marble Mountain. At the insistence of the driver, the guy is on a big commission. And the easiest way to say NO is to say YES. ;)

    A fifteen minute stop was interesting & kept everyone happy. I bought a small figurine that was inexpensive, easy to carry & didn't give me a luggage weight problem.

    Someone else on our cruise (but not our van) bought some massive marble furniture - and I do wonder whether that was as problematic as the OPs purchase.


    We live & learn.


    JB :)


    I think these posts should be read before anyone contemplates this type of purchase. Luckily for Mapu things worked out. Others were not so lucky.

  3. When we picked up our purchase in Miami we went to US customs before going to the warehouse. I think it is important to note that we did not have to pay any duty at all as our invoice was from Xuat Anh Art and stone sculpture. We were hit with a $105 warehouse fee which we were never told about. Once we uncrated our purchase it was obvious that instead of giving the sculpture a final professional polishing as promised, lacquer was applied which greatly diminishes the natural appearance of the marble which would have been better left off.


    Your whole experience sounds like a bad dream. Please let us know how it all turned out.

  4. 2/15-2/20


    We were on this cruise 2/15-2/20. We had a great time too. We really enjoyed hearing the Vintage Colgate 13, an a Capella men's group, when they sang in the Piazza the last night of the cruise.

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