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Shonny Wayway

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Posts posted by Shonny Wayway

  1. I’m a teacher and a parent of three and can’t believe your last comment. “Teachers may be spiteful at the opportunity that they can’t have.....” Wow! How outrageous! Yes I’m serious. That statement is incredibly harsh and insulting to those in my profession.


    How about this? I cruise annually (17 now) and have always waited for the next year’s finalized school calendar to come out before I book early saver. That way I know my work/ childrens’ schedules. Yes these trips are expensive and yes we work hard to save up for them. It’s called responsible planning around work and school. That’s my choice to book early saver. Choice is the operative word.


    Our school policy is that students are not given work before they leave for a vacation but rather receive make up instruction and assignments after. Instructional pacing and understanding of the curriculum varies in the classroom and students need to learn the standards not just “do” the assignments.


    As for early saver there are many things that can happen to affect sailing the booked week. It’s understood that you’re taking a risk for that price/type of booking. So yes potentially insurance may/may not cover the unexpected issues that arise such as illnesses, deaths, other work related changes. However this original poster booked way out thinking that the schedule was set. In most districts once a calendar is printed and sent out it is set in stone. If it changes that drastically after it’s been posted then shame on the district. Assuming a vacation week before it’s voted on is the issue here and not whether teachers will penalize or be spiteful to their students for taking a vacation planned by their parents.


    Hi, there was one year in returning and asking for missed work. End up being almost two weeks because of a hurricane the boat was unable to take us home the teacher said " well she would have to get somebody book to copy from. I can't go over the work. She wasn't sick, I would like to go on a cruise too but I am not as lucky. "

    Teacher would then proceed to drop remarks if my daughter wasn't up to speed. Luckily my daughter is working a class above her she and caught up by end of term.

    this is in no way insulting the teaching profession. I actually tip my hat to you since you do what I can never do. But as I had mentioned I am from a different country from you all. Our school system is different. As far as I know absenteeism only affects when you are at college or university. Not saying our government is not concerned, but there are kids who goes to school probably a total 5 weeks out of a 13 week term.

    side tracked a bit

    since flying out to board a ship is very expensive. We embark from the country we live. There are only about 20 cabins assigned every sailing to my elaboration port. We do not get past guest, military or elderly specials. We like the quad cabins to save money and they fill up quite quickly.

    There are some instances where someone cancels and they advertise a cheap fare in newspaper 2-3 months before cruise but then I have to choose my vacation dates the year before (Oct 2018 for 2019) once you choose those dates they are set in stone unless emergency or sick. So I book my cruise then book vacation to suit. After the last episode with teacher we all agree to pay (half a week's pay for some in our group) the extra to go earlier in the year.

    Oh another difference with school system is ours is free. There are no boards or committee for each school or district.

    Which is a shame so many young people waste the opportunity.

  2. Wow reading the comments make me appreciate the school system in the Caribbean more! Unfortunately due to limited seats we have no choice but to book a whole year ahead. I booked in March for a May 2019 sailing. I however factored in a once in a lifetime exam and the subsequent graduation period, but things can change.

    with the given knowledge on how your school system works, I'll say write or call to carnival. Explain the situation. I would think rescheduling is better than cancelling. The money does stay with them and being so far out I am sure they can find someone to fill the void without a loss.


    in the past we had had persons cancel last minute and my travel agent transferred money paid to us still going and we gave that person the money we would have paid towards cruise.

  3. My school system here is different from yours, but my budget only allows me to cruise during the first or second week of school. I talk to the teachers and i write a letter explaining the reason for absenteeism. In return to school she borrows a classmates books to copy work done. Don't think one week will kill them. Talk to your kids as this would affect them too. Make them aware of sacrifices (school work during cruise downtime or long nights on return)


    a cruise for two from where I live costs more than what I work for a month before taxes are taken out so to reschedule won't be economical for any of us. I spend some time helping to copy work and trying to explain in my own private lessons after school.


    keep in mind some teachers may be spiteful at the opportunity you and your kids have that they can't.

    make friends with a parent ask them to photocopy the assignments.

    ......and enjoy

  4. Have you been yet? We'll be in Barbados Jan/Feb of 2019 and will cruise from there on the Fascination. I'm particularly interested in what time you had to get off in Barbados at the end of the cruise. Thanks

    Hi we board from Barbados all the time since we live here. Check in is 11-2 you can check in and then leave again. Disembarking, you put bags outside from around 7 the present to immigration around 830. You have until 930 to leave the room. You can stay in board til 1pm

  5. Pack light. No one cares or remembers what you had on the previous day. One jeans pants can have different shirts. My family and I use duffle bags, each person gets a drawer or a shelf and we put all the bags in one under a bed. Can't afford valuable cabin space just to pull out a shirt. Or take out what you plan to wear the night before and put in a drawer.

    please not this is a continuation from my previous post.


    I have been on 6 cruises, same itinerary and only 1 had less than four ppl.

  6. Hi, I have been in an ov cabin with five ppl. You can either have your 4 yr old sleep with you and your wife and the others take the bunk beds or you can split the beds so you have four single beds the trundle bed is movable and lowered and can be place right next to the window. 4yr old will have to get in and out from foot of bed as there would be no side access. Put up trundle bed during the day for more space. The closet doors opened provides a little changing room setup between the closet door and cabin door for changing clothes in privacy.


    you prob only need to be in room to sleep, shower and change so don't sweat about it. If you are like me that go in at 2am and up at 5am on cruises you won't feel it as much

  7. Yes every one has their own immigration form. For both Barbados and Puerto Rico immigration. That is why we have to get off boat and we have to go through immigration interview. Process not long and we don't have to wait theu give us a sticker to put on clothes so we don't have to join the lines the persons disembarking have to coming back on board we walk straight in once sticker is visible and its after 12pm. Also with Barbados boarding our luggage is collected in the morning not the night before. Guess fewer persons to handle.

  8. My daughter will be 8 in December. On cruises she literally lives at camp and in the pool!!. Last cruise she only got off the boat in san juan because we had to and in St. Thomas because we went shopping. We are going to the beach on Saturday in St. Marteen!! :-) so I know I will definitely get her off the boat. We are black, but she manages to come home three shades darker and a mixture of tan lines as we carry four different swim suits.Not sure what really holds her at camp carnival but by our third day where ever we go on ship every one knows her name. This is my first cruise I am not the cruise planner, travel afent, mother hen (they literally follow me around) or immigration specialist (imagine filling out 15 immigration forms while everyone sleeps) so really looking forward to this cruise!

  9. Hello there fellow nurse. Glad to have you with us and welcome to cruise critic. I hope you are able to find some valuable information on these boards. :)


    You are so lucky to live in such a beautiful place! I immediately fell in love with it and I hope to return again some day. I would even love to come and stay for several days and sail out of there. Unfortunately, our airline does not fly there yet. :(


    I hope you have a wonderful cruise and dance your heart out! :D

    Girl every Wednesday I can see the tail from work and if I am having a crappy day just seeing it brings me joy. Hopefully one day I can fly out and sail from an other port and go to other ports but it is quite expensive......so...... which every ine departs from here it shall be. And I would hate to know I give up dropping my bags off walking into a dining room with welcome refershments and drink fruit punch or run punch so sip on while you sit and wait to go to register for long lines in a hot cruise terminal.


    For some reason while in town.I scan the faces to see if I recognize any one from cc. Or I simply ask the ones with obvious beach gear that are walking away from the sea if they are lost and redirect them


    Boatyard is marvelous I went there for my birthday paid $40bds $20us locals don't get the welcome drink but we were able to spend back the cover in food or drinks just pay the excess if you go over. We always give them a funny name since they blast it over the speakers to come get your food then everyone knows your name. Didn't hear you mention about the rope swing where.you swung off the jetty opposite side to where you boarded boat to go snorkelling.


    My daughter loves the sea in fact water on the whole I usually have to literally drag her out the water or threaten to leave her there to get her out. The seagrassum weeds are coming back full force have seen a lot on the east coast.


    Anytime you come back to Barbados I will take you around once I am free. I'll show you real bajan life if culture and food is what you are into

  10. Hi, first time posting on cc I have been following your review and it is addictive. I too am a nurse and I find myself refreshing the browser any free time I get at work to see if you have added anything.

    Cc has finally confirmed my account so I may be a bit behind with my comments. Forgive me.

    I live in Barbados and will be going on my 6th cruise next Wednesday same itinerary departing from here (but never really the same experience) and I usually view reviews for new things to do. I also view to see what people are saying about my country.

    I am glad you experience such a wonderful time here and believe there are so many people living here that have never seen under the sea. I have been snorkelling twice. Although beautiful I am afraid of the turtles. I am certainly no Sakari!!!

    Anyhow keep up the good work and for those sailing with me.I will be that girl dancing to every beat


    Oh and for those who asked about embarkation it is a breeze compared to what I.have read in other reviews

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