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Posts posted by mrsred

  1. Heads up!

    New Episode tonight!


    That's what Tivo is for dear :) It remembers for me!


    I am suppose to be studying for my final tomorrow...but I just had to watch!


    I won't spoil it for anyone but...


    The ONE I was hoping to win did! Yay!


    Mike: Fabulous! Not my taste...but he really hit his icon! And he has skills...the boy can sew! He seems so down to earth and really thinks about his designs and WHO he is designing for. Love that!


    Laura: I think she did a great job for her icon, well made (I'd wear it!), but no WOW. I do wish she would eat. Maybe I should make her some milk and cookies.


    Angela: Surprised, certainly. Not my taste...and I was hoping for something more. What? I don't know!


    Vincent: Good bye already!


    Bradley: Spin his model really fast and you'd have a disco ball. Poor guy. He's like a lost puppy.


    Uli: LOVED the dress! Even DH was wowed. Loved the color, the cut, the design.


    Kayne: This was so HIS thing. That dress rocked and I really want it. Formal night on a cruise...and I want the mink stole too. Fab-U-Lous!


    His model was TOO much! I'd have to muzzle her. Chill on the Fourbucks coffee babe. Think Decaff!


    Robert: Oh I do like Robert...but way off base. Too safe. Needs to crank it up or he'll be auf'd...and that would be sad.


    Jeffrey: Too predictable. I was hoping he'd throw some razz-pizzazz in there. He had the perfect icon for his taste!


    Allison: No wow...but it was ok. In fact...I don't really remember it :(


    I miss Malan. He would have been fun.


    Ok...back to the books!


    Where's Andre?!? :eek:



  2. You forgot Ule. I like her dresses. She actually uses patterns tastefully.


    I thought the first teamwork episode that both Angela and Vincent should go, but on another board everyone was blaming Angela and not giving any of the blame to Vincent. After this week's episode, seeing Vincent's face when he, Kayne, and Robert were working made me realize that I was right. That not all the problem was Angela. AND what is up with Vincent and the stupid hats.

    Oh my! How could I forget Ule!!!???!!!


    She has a great eye...I love her ability to mix colors/patterns.


    Vincent and Angela...oh they were a scare! Vincent's hat issue is just part of his flash-backs to the 80's! I can't handle his whining.


    Tim should be saying "Make it stop people" instead of "Make it work" with those two!


    DH just said I forgot Bradley. Poor Bradley.


    What can you say about Bradley? I have an overwhelming feeling that I should make him milk and cookies! And I'm not the motherly/nurturing type.


    I will say...in Keith's defense that his dress last week's challenge was great. I'd wear it on a cruise (are we back on topic??? ;) )



  3. Mdmom07: sorry you missed it! I was kind of let down. Keith was really being a jerk...so I wasn't sad to see him go. Maybe he has a bit too much Santino in him ;)

    Tim Gunn: So, Andre, it's a whole new season, we should bring this thread back up again.

    Andre: I'm on my way to Red Lobster, I'm not really concerned about any of those Cruise Critic fashion people.

    Nick: They are so wickity-wack over there, but, let's just bring it up again, so that they have some wickity-wack stuff to talk about.

    Tim Gunn: Well then. Cruise Critics Fashion Board people...

    What do you think of this new season?

    Whose designs would you wear on a cruise?

    Which of those dogs did you think were the cutest?

    What was Keith thinking?

    What is Angela thinking?

    What Project Runway designer would do the best "cruise clothes" from Season 1, 2 or 3?

    Make it work!

    I had a feeling with your PR innuendos that this thread may just find its way back!


    Keith: too bad, so sad. Arrogance will get you everytime. Glad to see him auf'd.


    Angela: well that child just doesn't think!

    She needs to join a quilting bee and just be done with it!

    Wish Malan would have been able to stay instead. He SO amused me!


    Love Michael! Not his hoochie-mama look, but his other stuff is well done. He has a great eye for women!


    Laura (I think that's her name...the red headed NY lady with 5 kids): love glam!!!! She'll need to shake it up a bit though...she's too predictable.


    Allison...I think she'll be a sleeper...her stuff is always so modern and chic.


    Vincent: did way too much coke in the 80's! He needs to chill out. Way too loopy for my tastes.


    Jeffrey: He needs to get out of his comfort zone and realize not everyone wants his look. He has great ideas...they just don't translate well for most women.


    Kayne and Robert...oh those boys have some great ideas! Robert reminds me of my hair stylist! Love him...but don't think he'll hang in there if he doesn't do something dramatic.


    Kayne...well hon, not everyone wants to dress for a pageant!


    Ok...who am I missing????


    I'd wear a Nick, Chloe, or Daniel V from last season. Nick and Dan seem so nice to work with. Keep driving by Chloe's shop...still haven't been back in since it re-opened.


    I promise I'll stop in soon and report!


    Carry on!





  4. I'm so happy for Daniel! What a killer offer considering he's only been out of school for a year!


    Sorry he didn't win, but I'm very happy for Chloe. I'm planning on stopping by her boutique next week and seeing what her new stuff looks like since they just re-opened.


    We just got home from seeing the new Cirque du Soleil show and I kept thinking that THAT would be the perfect place for Santino! He could design some great costumes for that company!


    Not really thrilled with any of the collections. There were a few items, like Daniel's 13th dress, a couple of his suit looks, and some of Chloe's and Santino's dresses...but overall I thought they were just ok.


    I will miss Tim Gunn and Andrae. Very happy that Nick's name is out there and he has had a gown on the "red" carpet. Good for him!!!!


    I will never look at chiffon or Red Lobster the same again.


    Make it work people and carry on!



  5. LOL I love it! I'm also working on sewing projects right now and I wear my "Where the h*ll is my chiffon?" t-shirt that I bought on-line.


    You know what's really scary? Friday at work the song "Daniel Franco, Where'd you go" kept going through my head. I think I need help! You're the only people who know this, cause I knew you'd understand!


    Anxiously awaiting Wed's runway show! Carry on!


    I love your shirt! That is too funny! DH said he thought chiffon was a type of pie and was wondering why they were looking for it. Silly man :)


    Oh that song! As soon as I read your post it got stuck in my head! Thanks!!! Lol! ;)


    I have this terrible feeling that Santino will win. I won't get to watch it until Thursday evening since I have mid-terms to study for...so I'll have to refrain from reading this thread.



  6. I think Santino saw himself on the previous shows and realized he's going to have a heck of a time getting clients or anyone to work with him if he didn't try to redeem himself. Even jerks realize they are jerks sometimes.


    His collection is better than the others. I hate that giant pink thing that Chloe made. I think Daniel's just isn't up to what I expect from him.


    Diana???? What was Chloe thinking??? I think poor Chloe is really feeling the pressure. An aside: her shop is closed for renovations until next Friday. There is so much that can be read into that...but I won't.


    Daniel...I think he's really looking for validation from Tim and the lack of excitement from Tim really hurt him. He seems like a very soft hearted person.


    DH has been watching it with me and since I've been sewing a lot lately he walks through my studio saying, "Where's Andrea?" "Carry on" and "Make it work"


    I'm being haunted! LOL!


    Til next episode...


  7. I had forgotten about that! I couldn't stand Zulema. I would take Santino over her any day. She was so rude and selfish. I felt bad for her model. And what was that about her alternate personality????


    What about Guadalupe? What was she on? That speech she made was really out there. Loved Tim's response.



  8. I LOVE this show and personally enjoyed the reunion - esp. when they showed Santino's impression of Tim Gunn...that will never stop cracking me up! I can't stand Santino as a person, but that was just too funny.



    That was my fave part of the reunion show. Just couldn't stop laughing! The rest of it was pretty predictable.



  9. Not at all shocked on the final 3.


    I agree...Santino's final collection was not what he usually did on the show (I suspect those others were for shock value more than anything else).


    Daniel's and Chloe's collections were pretty predictable IMO.


    Santino's dress from the last episode was at least different and interesting. Really can't believe Kara made it that far.


    Didn't watch yesterday's show yet. I'll try to watch it tonight. Should be fun!



  10. What just happened?


    Anyways...I won't ruin it for anyone, but here is what I thought:


    Chloe: Spot on! Loved it, loved the fit, the color, everything!


    Santino: Ugh! Looked like a costume for a B movie called Amazon Women In Space! And tape does not qualify as an embellishment! Does he hate women?


    Nick: Nice idea. Poorly done.


    Kara: Wow. Hated the outfit...but it worked for him. She is really coming into her own. I would have stapled his lips shut while in the work room, but that's just me.


    Daniel: loved the idea, but so not her. I honestly thought his was better than Santino's.


    They're Olympus show is on Friday at 9am. Finale isn't until March 8th. That is just so wrong.



  11. FINALLY saw the last episode.


    Kara: loved her dress. She certainly redeemed herself after the last one.


    Nick: what is up??? I think he may just not be able to handle the stress. He seems so rattled! Bummer about his model. I think that really struck him hard...but he has to be able to put those things aside if he is going to be able to compete.


    Chloe: BEE-u-ti-ful!


    Santino: I was impressed! I liked his design and think he's learning to "play" the game...even if it is driving him mad! Did Kors actually give him a compliment??? (of course Santino was not present at the time). BUT he really needs to get his arrogance under control or he'll never make it. I think that female judge (Nina? Never remember her name) is really out to get him. She can certainly hold a grudge.


    LOVED his Tim impersonation! Too funny.


    Andrea: So sad, but too bad. He is hit or miss...and this one fell flat (like a doormat as Kors said).


    Daniel: of course! Although I think Chloe's was just as good...his splash of color really paid off.


    In other news: stopped by Chloe's boutique (Lot 8) this afternoon. Great little place. Her dresses are fab! Very feminine. Some were elegant/sexy. Others were young and flirty. I was quite impressed. She has a great eye!


    They are having a sale to get rid of the fall stuff...so the place was quite packed...but it is certainly on the list for future purchases.


    Until next week...



  12. Grrrr! Tivo didn't record it last night! It is coming on in a few minutes...and that baby is set to record it so I can see it tonight!


    (Repeat after me: Technology is our friend. Technology is our friend).


    Bummer that Andrea is gone. At least I know who is getting booted so it won't be too much of a shock (I know...I'm totally cheating!)


    So...I can't wait to see what you all are talking about!



  13. They are done filming and the final three should be close to finishing up their collections because the Olympus Fashion Week kicks off February 3-10th (next Friday) so the final three only have two weeks at MOST to finish their collections.


    I agree about Santino. I thought he had so much talent.

    Completely forgot that Olympus starts next week!


    I think he's too much of a loose cannon to work productively under any type of constraints. He bucks the system and just wants it to all be Santino and they've tried and tried to reel him in... sometimes the difference between the good and the great is how you can diversify and perform in any situation and I don't think he's show that he can do that.


    They've given him more chances than anyone and he's all over the page with it.


    I just don't think he's there yet.

    If he did work with someone, it would have to be someone who can direct him and mentor him without upsetting his delicate ego. But I'm not sure he's mature enough to let the spotlight shine on anyone else.


    I had such high hopes for Santino...



  14. I thought given the circumstances that Nick's model redeemed herself. Though I nearly fell on the floor laughing over Tim's Gumby description! Priceless!


    Daniel is so talented and has this lovely rich understated beauty. Incredible.


    I was torn between his outfit and Andrea's. I actually thought Andrea's was a better representation of his inspiration and quite a wonderful transformation from gutter rain to this beautiful gown. But I thought Daniel's had more depth and really looked expensive.


    Santino, lord. What on earth was that? That's worse than the Santino effect! A nightmare and a huge faux paus using almost the exact fabric from one of last season's dresses!


    Kara, bless her heart. I've yet to figure out what she's even doing there.


    Zulema, well, you know. Karma's a great thing. She got what was coming to her. She tries to be cut throat and edgie and the bottom line is she's not a finisher. I think she got designer block because she took Daniel's model. The vibes from everyone had to be just intense over this. Bad form, really, bad form. Yes, they present the design but for heaven sakes if it's crap to begin with even the top model isn't going to sell it.


    You didn't mention Chloe. I actually thought her's was quite interesting and would love to have seen the dress if she'd had more time to complete more detail. I bet it would have been stunning.


    It sure is fun to watch this stuff!

    Great point about Zulema's former model. She may have needed the scare of her walk being scrutinized to get her to show her stuff.


    Yes..the Gumby comment was beautiful! Even if I didn't care about fashion, I would watch it for Tim.


    Z's dress was just so blah. I love red, but it just hung there. I really hope the model doesn't get cut. That would just be so sad...but since Nick didn't win....


    I'm torn on Chloe's dress. I didn't care for the fabric she chose. I liked the idea, but it lost something for me when the design was executed.


    Andrea's was good...but I didn't like that light strip across the front and over the shoulder. His idea was fab....loved the details he put in front to mimic the sparkling water. Awesome idea though. I hope he doesn't get cut....I'd like to see what else he can do.


    Daniel's looked like something that could be on the runway. The different fabrics really played well together and the colors were great. He has a real depth to him that continues to amaze me. He is the type of designer I would love to work with.


    I'm so torn between Daniel and Nick.


    Kara...I cannot figure her out. She is almost afraid of her own creativity...or she lacks imagination. Don't know which.


    Santino! If he could just get himself under control! One week it is too much, the next it is just blah. I never made the connection about the dress from last season until it was mentioned. Hopefully next week he'll find a nice medium range.


    It's getting close...5 more left! I bet the stress is really eating at them now!



  15. I really felt sorry for Nick. His design wasn't up to his potential, but he really took losing his model hard. The look on his face when Zulema wanted a walk-off was priceless! Poor guy.


    Loved how Tim Gunn described Zulema's former model! He is just too funny.


    Knew Daniel would win. His design was so different. He really has range and I like that about him.


    Santino...now he's on the opposite side of the spectrum. Was really expecting something different from him, something with a bit more spunk.


    Kara's dress was way too safe...and boring. She doesn't do something spectacular next week she may be on her way out.


    Zulema was way too cocky. Her outift looled uninspired, and not even finished. I don't think she expected to win one week, then be out the next.


    Looking forward to next week!



  16. Just watched it.


    I think Santino is designing just to bate the judges. It is as if he doesn't want to design a good dress...he just wants to see how far he can push the line.


    I loved Chloe's dress. It was so modern in color and design.


    Nick's just didn't have any oooooomph. Daniel's was *pretty*....not what I expected from him.


    So long! I actually think that Emmett would do well in other areas of fashion, but he really doesn't get women's wear. His skate dress was sooooo boring!


    I loved Tim Gunn's little talk with him before the runway show - what did he say? "Learn to talk to the judges with less of an 'f*** you' attitude." Something like that - I was cracking up!

    I agree. Emmett has some nice ideas...very classic. BUT if he wants to break-out of men's wear he needs to have someone show him how to break out of the box...add some flare. I think he has potential if he stops playing it safe.


    Tim Gunn is just my fave. I love his directness! I think he got through to Santino...if only an itty bitty bit.


    Zulema's was the obvious choice. I don't think Sasha's personality could have pulled off Chloe's design.



  17. That completely floored me when he said that! And I Hate the "eye rolling" he does.


    About buying Micheal Kors.... our local Macy's is selling Micheal Kors and when it hits the sale racks it's a great buy, better than Banana Republic. I've even found some of his light knit sweaters in our local TJMaxx, and I'm always thrilled when I see that!


    BTW - LOVE, LOVE this show, have been "hooked" since 1st show, 1st season. Also enjoy the boards on bravotv web.

    Wow...didn't know TJ Max would have some of Kors' stuff. I really need to check that store out.


    Love the show too.


    I think Tim Gunn is a hoot with his blunt comments...like when Guadalupe said her design was horrible Tim responded that he wasn't going to debate that. I think he's one of my fave parts of the show.


    The local news station had an article on their web site about Chloe yesterday. Didn't realize her boutique was so close to me. May be worth it to stop by and check out her shop.



  18. - but not surprised. Can you believe Santino's "lots of women don't know Michael Kors" comment - to THE MAN HIMSELF! He needs to learn how to pucker up every now and then. I'm happy to see Marla go but I wish I could see Diana in a few years - who knows, maybe I will! ;)

    Santino sure knows how to ingratiate himself with the judges.


    I think Diana is just too insecure with herself. Perhaps after a few years with a good mentor she will find her stride and not be so uncertain. She is so young.


    Glad Marla is gone.


    Still hope Nick wins...but Daniel may be the one to watch. He reallly nailed this one. I like his laid back attitude as well. Seems like an easy guy to work with.


    Can you imagine Santino working "under" someone else?



  19. Just got caught up on the show (gotta love Tivo!)


    First...Love Nick! His personality and his talent!


    Second...why did Daniel Franco go and that hack Marla get to stay? Enough of her already. Hate whiners and she has no talent.


    I actually liked Kara's dress design for the Hilton chick....thought Nick should have won.


    Santino is just to abrasive. The Divas should be wearing the dresses LOL!;)



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