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Posts posted by sagiter

  1. I can't beleive I'm posting to this thread but I love this show. Watch it with the wife at least twice a week (we TIV), best invention ever :-)). I just wanted to comment about Jeffrey. I think that all Jeffrey had to do was say "I'm sorry sweetheart but you asked for blue and purple but I just couldn't find a flattering green . The money's spent so let's just try to make the best of it."


    The show is about drama and just like Santino not being booted when his dree literally fell apart on the runway Jeffrey won't be booted early on because the show needs drama and confrontation.


    To my mind Uli has the best eye for texture and print which clearly wows the judges. Laura is an excellent tailor but she is so one dimensional in her design. vincent seems to always be on the verge of a breakdown. Michael is clearly the Daniel of this show. Angela is a bit too emotional for me. Kayne will get caught up in the party ball syndome, not every dress can be a pageant dress. Robert, well Barbi designs are for a very young audience and not very realistic in real life, never liked any of his stuff.


    That's my take for now....



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