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Posts posted by bud88

  1. I would not want to cruise with the current restrictions. The cdc is singling out the cruise industry with overly restrictive demands, IMO. I come in contact with about a thousand people every day at work, so it was more of when, rather than if, I would get covid. I had it last summer, and still have antibodies, so the 3 to 6 month thing is false. I still donate blood every month, at which time I get tested for antibodies. 11 months so far and good to go. Covid wasn't bad at all (just a very low fever, 100.2, and nothing else), but I'm 55, with no co-mobilities. The majority of my co-workers getting vax'ed are having far worse reactions from the shot than any of us had getting covid. Looking at the numbers, I see no difference in infection rates between vax'ed vs. non vax'ed persons. Your chance of getting a vey bad case is lower with the vax, but only in the over 65 range with co-mobilities. Otherwise the numbers look identical. So for me, I don't see why I should have to get a shot and experience these side effects, that are worse than getting the virus, loose work, etc., if I'm just as protected as a vax'ed person. I'm only looking out for my overall health and well being. I have no problem getting a test before embarkation, but even vax'ed people should have to do that as well. A vax'ed person can transmit the virus just as easily as a non vax'ed person. Once onboard, if we were all negative, why wear a mask? I personally have to wear a mask all day for work, but get light headed at least 2 times a day from it as well, so I don't want to wear it all day for vacation. The whole point is to relax and be on vacation! I want to talk to people from all over the place that I have never met before, I want to dance, I want to relax in the hot tub, I want to enjoy dinner with new found friends, I want to laugh out loud at a comedy show, I want to sing karaoke! These are things I do on a cruise, so to restrict these things would ruin the cruise experience. Please don't single me out, basically a scarlet letter, for not getting the shot that my body doesn't need to fight the virus just to get on board...I'm not any more or less dangerous than a vax'ed person, and I'm a lot of fun on board! Thanks for listening and I hope we all can have a great time on board again very soon.

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  2. On 4/11/2021 at 7:20 PM, Denny01 said:

    Just a reminder for those that won’t take the vaccine because it’s ‘experimental’ or ‘too new’ or whatever,  in reality, you aren’t getting vaccinated to protect yourself, but to protect family, friends and community. There’s a good chance (yeah, chance, you know rolling the dice) that you will not get extremely ill if you contract COVID, but you have a good chance of passing it on to someone who will get very ill, or die. Over 500 thousand Americans have died who weren’t vaccinated; no one who has been vaccinated has died of COVID. And when someone insists on spreading such weak evidence, even out and out lies about the vaccine and ‘alternative approaches’ could very well be killing people who make the big mistake of believing them, or using those fantasies as an excuse. 


    So enough. each thread about COVID has a few of these types. And think about it, last year, going on a cruise could be a dangerous experience; this year, all those who won’t get the vaccine can’t get on board which means a cruise may be a very safe vacation option!



    Unfortunately, there have been deaths from vaccinated people. The percentage is small, but growing. It's been in the news for a while. We really should focus on testing before boarding.

    • Thanks 1
  3. 54 minutes ago, dodger1964 said:

    But the problem is even having been vaccinated you can still get and transmit (I haven't checked the news today...they could have changed their minds on that!), so if you did have it, got tested, you (I assume) would be quarantined on the ship or upon arrival into the us? And, at least for now, have to get tested upon arrival back in the US (at least by plane...not sure about ship).


    So my point is, even with 100% vaccinated on ship, could still have to quarantine.

    This is my thought as well. Vax folks are still transmitting, happened at work, and it could still impact the cruise. You can't tell me a non-vax person is more likely to transmit, there just isn't enough data. I would feel better if everyone just gets tested before getting on board!! That way, vax or non-vax, we're all safer. I don't trust that folks who are vax'ed are being careful anymore and may pose a greater threat at this point. I see so many people getting together, and they're not checking to see if everyone negative. We're being told we can get together without masks here in CA in small groups!

    This is just from what I see going on at this point. I'm not saying either type of person is bad or good.

  4. Once again, thank you all!!!

    My wife would be in heaven if she could still play tennis every day on the ship, and I love to hike and be outdoors. We do love to talk to everyone we encounter and hear the stories of their travels. We have found a lot of great folks on each cruise and hope to be able to share more of our stories to others as time goes by.

    We're looking at a couple ships/lines and will book soon enough. Time is the problem, we find we can do one cruise every 18 months or so. We want to try a bunch, but I've already got 2 multi day backpacking trips planned for next year already (18 days on the John Muir Trail for one!). We want to fit in a safari too. Wish we could have afforded to do more of this sooner in life, but very thankful we can now.

    We're looking at the "expedition" cruises as well, since we love the outdoors so much.

    You guys are great and I hope we meet some of you all on a trip sometime, Thank you, thank you!!

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  5. Wow!!  Thank you all so much! You've given me so much more information than I thought I'd get. Unfortunately, many of these cruise lines don't operate out of Los Angeles, but if it means flying somewhere to enjoy our vacation more, than here we come.

    It looks like a couple good choices to try next, and am looking forward to it. We have enjoyed cruising and want to continue, and thanks to all of you, we are re-invigorated to try again.

    More research is in order, like the difference between Premium and Luxury. I'm watching You Tube videos as well.

    Again, thank you very much!

  6. Hi all, I've been looking through the forums so I hope I'm not wasting anyone's time. We're novice cruisers, only 3 times, and all on Carnival for week long cruises. Mostly because of price, and we live in the Los Angeles area so we don't have to fly to get to the ship. We've had a good time, but the amount of drunk people was disappointing. I've read a lot of reviews stating RCCL, NCL, and CCL are very much alike.


    So my question is this; What lines should we look at to get a better "class" of people (now I hate using class, but I couldn't think of a better description) where drinks aren't being dropped into the pool, no throwing up (we hadn't even left the port), stumbling drunks, and people almost getting into fights.


    We do enjoy the comedy shows and being active, but also like our quiet time to relax.


    Thanks to everyone with your vast experience and advice.

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