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Posts posted by esseff35

  1. We needed zero Swedish Krona at all. Paid for everything by Visa, including church entrance fees, etc. For public pay bathrooms, you will need 10 Krona, but there's plenty of free toilets at the various museums and sites. IMO, don't waste your time getting cash. Even the street vendors take cards, and also Euros, though change is always in SEK.


    We showed up at City Hall at 11:20, and took the 11:30 tour in English. They run every hour, but today's schedule was less because of various weddings.


    Thank you.

  2. Couple of Stockholm questions:


    1) How much Swedish currency did you find you needed to carry? I know Sweden is supposed to be largely cashless (in favor of credit cards) and also largely tipless, but I presume some cash is needed for toilets, donations at the cathedrals you entered, baggage handlers, etc.


    2) When you went to City Hall, were you able to get a tour quickly? Or did they give you a timed ticket to come back later in the day?

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