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Everything posted by Joseph2017China

  1. Tipping threads are also conspiracy threads.....and are useless.
  2. Why are you asking? Not really something anyone can answer definitely on these boards, since it can change weekly, and per port and even randomly
  3. Ask on a board like this, and you will get numerous answers. But go to RCCL and they will tell you exactly what you need, and than go to your airlines and they will tell you also. Than come back here and see how many wrong answers
  4. The government requires certain taxes to be paid, and on many international trips, a sales tax and a VAT tax, and let's not forget if you go over your limit, you have to pay a duty. Just because it is required does not mean the government or insurance needs to pay for it.
  5. Well, my wife uses a travel mobility scooter, obviously not the same thing, but we traveled all over the world with it. Is it comfortable? No. Can it be bumpy? Yes. Are sidewalks sometimes complicated - narrow and with obstructions? Yes. But it is not really different with steollers, but you might reconsider a double wide, and each push one. Sometimes, I need to give my wife a "boost" going up some areas, but again, it is just the way it is. Enjoy your trip, don't be afraid, get something light weight, and in the worst case, you might have to carry short distances but most likely not.
  6. In that case, why does it matter what the capacity is? If are afraid, than the capacity does not matter, it is best not to book.
  7. Well, first, you said how to find a double stroller? Just like all vacations, you need to bring your own supplies, so it's time to go shopping and pick items that will work for you. It is part of the cost of doing vacations. By my second vacation, I was using umbrella strollers and leaving the big one behind. An umbrella stroller is easy to manage on tours.....a wheelchair is not, so that is why they tell you about mobility devises. A stroller is nothing like a mobility device. You are never going to find the perfect remedy to your specific needs, but whenever possible, you should try to do things on your own, or with a taxi, etc just because it might also make it easier than trying to do things with big crowds. It might be more enjoyable for you, and having less stress.
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