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Christmas flower

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Posts posted by Christmas flower

  1. Despite being in Dublin more times than I can remember ;) this is something we are not sure of and google is not being our friend :confused:

    A while off yet, we are sailing from Dublin next year on Celebrity Reflection and we are planning to drive down from Belfast, does anyone know if there are parking facilities available at the port?

    Any locals know if there is anymore word on the possible terminal being built at Dun Laoghaire?

    Thanks! :)

    I have just booked the car park at Dublin port search car parking for cruise ships Dublin port you have to enter your name car reg and email and which cruise you are going on it is about €100 euro

  2. As you know the ship knew about the fog and couldn't dock st 6.30 in the morning but by 12 o'clock mid day most people had missed there flights so they had time to arrange everything. We were told reps would be out there but it was only the Italian port people who hadn't been told anything either, my husband ask someone should he call the royal Caribbean help line and he was told no everything was arranged and check your emails for new flights (still checking ) to keep us out there in the dark and damp fog was a disgrace.

    I don't know which company would be any better get the ship leaving from Dublin then we don't have to worry about flights.

    We are going to email them today so will let you know if we here anything back, my daughter and her husband were with us they chartered a plane for them and other people back to Birmingham then going to bus people from there she had already emailed them. Will keep you posted

  3. All true I was there stuck in the car park in the cold and fog, we were told everything was arranged for us when we got off the ship and royal Caribbean staff would be there to sort everything out for us. 4 hours later I told someone there that we are going into the terminal so I put up my arm and told everyone to follow me into the terminal we had young children and elderly people with health issues. There was no organisation skills used or thought used it was a disgrace royal Caribbean did fly in 2 reps they landed in Venice at 11pm and were to be picked up well guess what they never got picked up that says it all. As the other person said about the hotel we must have been in the same place Horrible. We flew home from Verona to Gatwick to Dublin on Sunday.

    It was all awful as I would say they couldn't organise a piss up in a bewry.😡😡😡😡

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