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Posts posted by melagali

  1. We came back from our cruise 2 weeks ago and it was our 5th time on Domenica and our 3rd time touring with Levi.


    We did what he called the 'wet tour', first Champagne Reef where we had great snorkeling and Levi was pointing out different fish and we were there for about 90 minutes.


    Then we went to Titou Gorge and the first time we were there, I didn't go in the water, everyone said it was cold, so I passed. But this time, everyone was going, so I decided to do so as well and am I glad I did...a wonderful experience.


    Then on to Trafalgar and like others we also walked down to the hot spring.


    Levi had planned everything so that we were not at each spot at the same time as the big groups from the ship and it was wonderful.


    As always, he was very attentive to everyone in the group. He supplied the water, beer or soft drinks. We had no entrance fee anywhere to pay and like others, our tour was longer than he had mentioned and we had a great time. We have our own snorkeling equipment but for the others, Levi supplied all the equipment.


    Any time we go back to Domenica, we always book a tour with Levi, he is the best! So much fun to be with.

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