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Posts posted by Colted45

  1. If you will be in Bergen, I have been on and can recommend the Bergen Food Tour. It is a very small group and can be customized to your needs. Our group included a woman who was wheelchair bound and we all did fine; she did have family members to help her. The tour was amazing, one of the best things we've done.





    Thank you I had seen the Bergen tour but hadn't considered it. I will now.

  2. Hello, my husband and I and another couple are going on a Norwegian cruise to the Baltics. Ports of call include: Warnemunde (excursion to Berlin); Tallinn,Estonia; St. Petersburg, Russia; Helsinki, Finland; and Stockholm, Sweden. When I scheduled my excursions I was mobile but have sustained a knee injury that requires a brace and limited walking. I will be traveling with a wheelchair and am finding that many of the excursions I've booked cannot accommodate. Does anyone know of drivers who might be able to take two couples to see the sites that might not require as much walking. We are also spending time in Amsterdam, Copenhagen and Oslo so the same issue exists there. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  3. Hello all! i have an injury that will make it hard for me to walk long distances. I have a collapsible wheelchair, and a cane and leg brace and can walk a very limited amount. Some of the tours we've booked will not accommodate me. Does anyone have recommendations for cab drivers, tour operators or other options in Northern European ports (Tallin, Copenhagen, Oslo, etc.)? Sailing very soon! We are four adults. All help much appreciated.

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