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Posts posted by wmorrell35

  1. Everytime we cruise, I swell. I've tried everything, no real health issues to contribute it too. I eat out often at home, so I would think the salt content in the food would be the same as any resturant. I've resorted to water pills from the doctor after I had gained 19 pds of water in 7 days (miserable) now when I feel myself swelling, I take a waterpill. Does the trick, and I really only need to take 3 during the whole week, but not taking them, is miserable. (and painful):(

  2. My feet, ankles and face all swell badly whenever we are on a cruise. I cut down on salt (never used much anyway), always drink tons of water, don't really dink that much, and don't drink soda. I know it's not the healthiest thing, but I have given up. My doctor now writes a prescription for a strong water pill, I take one every other day and I am good to go, no more issue.

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