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Posts posted by grandsix

  1. If you do not like Dan Dan or any other crew member, why don't you tell them them face to face. Tell them directly how in your opinion how you think they can improve.


    Besides, the CD, depending on the ship may have as many as 175 plus crew reporting to them with lots of Senior Management meetings, phone calls and entertainment planning, paper work etc.


    Imagine if someone went behind your back and criticized your work habits or performance.

    • Thanks 1
  2. If NCL has taken 2-3 years to plan their non ending changes as of late, then they have some p*** poor employees working on implementation and getting info out to their customers.:rolleyes:. The 3 Stooges could have done a better job. It is obvious that most of these changes, new fees etc., were hurriedly thought up in very recent brain storming sessions after FDR decided he wanted another $54 from every passenger and handed down the order to "Figure out how, and get it implemented ASAP". It is obvious that they were not well thought out. If what you say is true, they should have had plenty of time to update the website and notify customers of changes well in advance of the actual change being implemented rather than after the fact. Since this is not the case, they appear to be very recent changes to me. They have "turned off" a lot of their loyal customer base, including me.



    AMEN!!!!!!!!!!! FDR and his new management staff have turned off many loyal customers who will find out other lines are just as good if not better. They missed the boat in not considering they had a captive audience. In addition,,,,NO TAKE AWAYS FROM YOUR LOYAL CUSTOMERS

  3. I'm sorry, but we are not talking about Thomson, we are talking about those "loyal" NCL customers who are saying they won't cruise NCL again, because of the changes. Sorry you didn't get the compensation you wanted and I hope your NCL cruise is much better.


    Agreed.............plus TAKEAWAYS from NCL loyal customers is going to hurt them. Just Read these boards and what about the important lurkers who will not post their true feelings.

  4. The new people at NCL HQ are going to price themselves out of the market and when loyal customers find that other cruise lines are either the same or better it may be too late.


    Besides, adding more guests per cabin will put additional work load on cabin stewards who have problems as is.


    More drunks from unlimited booze strains security and longer wait time from the bar staff for your drink. Loads of people not getting their specialty restaurant time due to limited seating. More complaints for guest services and concierge.

    NCL be careful what you wish for as short term profit is not worth the long term damage of losing customers due to service problems. Operating a 600 passenger ship is different than a 4000 cruise ship.

  5. Just back from another fantastic 2/6/15 cruise on the Pearl . One of the COOLEST things that we we experienced was a marriage proposal on the stage of the Stardust Theater.


    Here is the scenario as we understand: This guy from Canada contacted NCL headquarters and asked if was OK to propose to his fiancee on stage.

    He was apparently told to get approval from ships management after he boarded. To his amazement, he received the go ahead.

    Here is the best part, The very funny comedian Tim Kaminski put the guy and his fiancee into Tim's hilarious Wizard of Oz comedy act. She played Dorothy and he played her dog Toto. To get to the chase, toward the end of the skit, the guy as Toto was already on his all fours when he surprised his fiance with the proposal, ring and all. Luckily she said YES to a surprised audience.

    Needless to say there was a standing ovation with thunderous applause, shouts and whistles along with a some happy tears from the crowd.

  6. The Captains club coupons are not a big deal - they went back to only being valid for bookings that were made during a specific time period and the values are actually less than those that were issued back when they were also good for a cruise listed on the coupon that was previously booked.


    We believe your opinion is the minority. Not being able to combine captains club coupons IS a big deal. Most will agree, take aways from employees or customers is not a good idea.

  7. I think that this new policy will bite them on the butt!!!! I am sure some bean counter in the front office came up with this bright idea to try and save some money!!! Well I think in the long run it will cost them more. There is no advantage to booking a future cruise will on the current if they amount of obc is equal to the amount given for stock ownership and they can't be combined. I know for sure that we will be looking at the cost and the different itineraries of other cruise lines. In the period of tight money one has to be a WISE Consumer.


    Well said. We hope RCL HQ is reading this.

  8. I sent an email expressing my displeasure with this policy change to Investor Relations as well. Why would any of us who are stock holders ever purchase a future cruise credit while on board again if there is no added benefit? NCL gives you OBC to be used right on the cruise you are currently on. At least that is SOME return for a future cruise credit investment.


    You are absolutely right. The problem is the people at RCL headquarters seem to be clueless and do not understand that these negative changes effect their most loyal customers.

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