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Posts posted by pennstater

  1. So long! I actually think that Emmett would do well in other areas of fashion, but he really doesn't get women's wear. His skate dress was sooooo boring!


    My least favorite, however, was Santino's. Again, waaayyy over the top - he didn't even think of Sasha once in that concept. What did one of the judges say... "all expression, no editting". As a designer, he is very true to his concepts, but he just can't adapt to the client, at least in terms of this contest. OMG - I loved Tim Gunn's little talk with him before the runway show - what did he say? "Learn to talk to the judges with less of an 'f*** you' attitude." Something like that - I was cracking up!


    I'm surprised to say this, but I also didn't like Daniel's outfit - I hate pointy boobs and the butt flutter just wouldn't work on the ice!


    I really liked Nick's outfit and Chloe's - both very modern and functional with a new take on the whole skate outfit. I can see why Zulema won - but it wasn't my favorite.


    What did everyone else think?

  2. I'm in agreement, BlueHerons - Daniel just keeps hitting them out of the park! And Chloe is right there too. I was disappointed to see more of Santino and less of Nick in their design - but not surprised. Can you believe Santino's "lots of women don't know Michael Kors" comment - to THE MAN HIMSELF! He needs to learn how to pucker up every now and then. I'm happy to see Marla go but I wish I could see Diana in a few years - who knows, maybe I will! ;)

  3. Yep - I agree that Marla has GOT to go. She really has no idea what she is doing and I was even hoping the judges would make an exception and do a 2-fer! What was she thinking? It was a BAD copy, too.


    Most people will think I am crazy, but I am liking Santino's designs less and less each week. He uses the same ruffly, ruching elements in everything - I just don't want to see the same thing every week!


    I still love Nick's style and thought he should have won this week. His designs have a modern elegance that appeal to me.


    Chloe is in the running, in my book. Diana - well, I love her concepts, but the reality is never quite up to speed with her ideas. I'd love to see her in a few years with more practical experience.

  4. I also was rooting for Jay! Thought Kara Saun was a little too predictable.

    I agree - Jay was so much more inventive than the rest. I liked Kara's designs, but Jay was better overall in my opinion.


    I was ticked that the no-talent Wendy Pepper got in when every other designer was much more talented and I loved Austin Scarlett!


    I wanted to strangle the judges when they sent Wendy to Fashion Week and not Austin! What were they thinking?!?


    I like Santino's arrogant confidence. Would love Jane's input on this but I think you would need a combination of those two plus talent to make it on Seventh Avenue!

    I also agree that his confidence can be a great asset, but I'm concerned that he will p*ss off the judges with some of his comments - Nina didn't seem too pleased with his refusal to take her critique.


    I started watching this season and love this show. I definitely think Nick will be in the finals. Santino is just a little turd. He should have been OUT last week. I hated to see Daniel go, I love his designs, so classic and clean. And Daniel had the guts to say he'd go over his associates. Santino was just putting blame everywhere and his **** lingerie was not IN.


    I'm not that upset that Daniel is out - he had his shot last season and I think they should have given someone else a chance. He does what he does fairly well, but he doesn't work well under pressure, he can't compromise on the slightest detail and his designs tend to be 'older', IMHO. I just don't think he is well-suited (no pun intended) for this kind of competition - you can't make everything perfect in such a short amount of time and funds!

  5. I love Project Runway - I was so happy last season when Jay won - he actually lived in my neck-of-the-woods so it was like rooting for the hometown boy!


    I agree with you about Nick - I would have also said Santino, but for his performance last week. However, he was in the really difficult position of leading a team. I also think that he is a bit arrogant, which could be his downfall with the judges. I'm going to hope that Diana continues for some time - although her designs are quirky and 'mathmatical', she really has interesting vision and I tend to like her designs.


    Yippee! I'm so glad I have someone (any others out there?) to discuss the show with - I don't know too many people that get into it, like me.

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