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Dave Rasputin

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Posts posted by Dave Rasputin

  1. I am a writer currently working on my next novel, Jamaican Farewell (www.JamaicanFarewell.com), a murder mystery set on a cruise ship (the interior of which will be the S/S Norway). I like to pepper my writing with real locations and real people. I am currently writing a scene at Coconuts Bar and Grill in St. Thomas where some cruise ship passengers arrive, all calling out for the bar’s signature drink, the Backstreet Bushwhacker. I remember Dominic O’Carroll telling me on many occasions that he was the first one to mix that drink at Coconuts, so, in the scene, I have a native explaining to the imbibing group that Dominic invented the drink back in the 1980s. Trying to determine if Dominic had a “K” at the end of his name, I performed several Internet searches where I stumbled across the news story of him going overboard. In my mind, I knew it had to be him—how could it be otherwise?—and then I found this thread that confirmed it. It is heartbreaking to learn of his demise, but it just adds to the mystery of the man and somehow seems appropriate. At least he will live on in our memories and soon on the pages of my upcoming novel. Perhaps a Bushwhacker in his honor would be appropriate.

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