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Indy Bahama

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Posts posted by Indy Bahama

  1. Thanks cdhstang,kieth1010,ziggy7


    "HEY I KNOW THAT GUY!"... Someone at church told me that their mother was dying of cancer and found one of my videos on line and practically has the words memorized.. She showed her the video and the daughter said "HEY I KNOW THAT GUY"... Guess I need to go over and sing her a song..??!.. That's what I'm singing for.. God can turn anything around..



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  2. I had just returned from my first and only cruise and had a horrible/horrendous life threatening motorcycle accident... Busted me up beyond all hope of happiness... I lay in hospital bed after hospital bed..intensive care and rehabilitation wards.. Wheel chair to walkers...dreaming of the Caribbean ....hopeless...never believing I would visit it again... But.. I lay there dreaming..I did the only thing I could do...I prayed and wrote song after song.. With Gods Help I made it off the bed and on to my feet.. And after a couple years I made it back to those beautiful islands.. No..I'm not a jimmy buffet wanna be... Or a singing star..But there is some where I always want to be.. And some place I love to tell people about.. The Caribbean ....I love it sooo...



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