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Posts posted by Gee48

  1. I live outside of Naples Florida, most of the state was under mandatory evacuation. Traffic was at a stand still on the roads. People trying to get as far away as possible. I doubt anyone getting off that ship if they lived in the Keys or southwest Florida could have made it anywhere near there homes. The hotels were fool with evacuees. Shelters filled up fast no gasoline, or electric power, short supply of food as with no power it spoiled fast. People went as far as they could. I can't blame people for taking Royal up on there offer. Not my first Hurricane, just the worst I have seen. Some of those people could have possibly ended up in Tampa without shelter when Irma hit. What ever made Royal abandon them in another Hurricane devastated area I don't know. I have heard it was because people from Texas complained loud and hard that they wanted to go home, I don't know if that is true or not. Royal said the were going on Humanitarian mission. Maybe people without anywhere and anyway to go and the potential of no home to go to after Irma left would have been considered a humanitarian mission. Perhaps the people that wanted off in Texas offered a room or helped them find a place to stay until Irma left. I know so many people here in my area have lost everything except there humanity for helping each other. Not to mention the power companies coming from all over the US and volunteers from around the world unselfishly dedicating there time, water, food and comfort without wanting anything in return not looking for good PR as Royal did. When I thanked them they all said, you would do the same for us which in the past I have always tried to do. Perhaps some of those abandoned in Houston would have helped with the humanitarian effort as some did on other cruise ships. Again I don't know maybe the were given the option to stay on-board to help out and denied.

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