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Posts posted by CaptainThunder

  1. 14 hours ago, CruiserBruce said:


    Only you can decide what is worthwhile to go to, as it depends on your interests. We have been there a couple of times, always found it interesting and fun.

    Sure I agree with you.  I just was hoping that people with experience with the park such as yourself might share what activities at the park they found "interesting and fun" so I can see if those things will still be open and help me to decide what is worthwhile.  Any input is appreciated.

  2. 4 minutes ago, TwinMamainMN said:


    The site CruiserBruce posted has a list of what is closed and what is open. It looks to be consistent with what the local guide told you. Interesting. I'm curious what else you find out. We don't sail until May 2020, so hopefully more of these things will be open then. We are looking forward to VNP and would like to explore it.

    Problem is a laundry list of activity labels without explanation doesn’t provide much meaningful information.  For example, I don’t know if what is still open is worth while going to it.

  3. Thanks.  I will check out that site.  You would think a local guide has current information.  He just gave me this information this morning.

  4. I contacted a company about a private tour out of Hilo in June.  When the proposed tour didn't include the Volcano National Park, I was surprised and questioned it.  He said "I can take you to Volcano Park instead of going to Fissure 8, but most of the marquis sites are closed due to the seismic activity from the summer eruption.  Fissure 8 offers a better view of what volcanic activity there is now, and was during the summer.  The closest one can get to the crater is approximately 2 1/2 miles away right now, and the lava lake is 1,000 feet down, so there is no visible activity.  The Jagger Museum building has been condemned , and Thurston lava tube is closed due to safety concerns."  Is it even worth going to the VNP anymore?

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