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Posts posted by Kayak32

  1. 13 hours ago, kazu said:


    Bolding is mine - and you are a specialist in infectious diseases, too?????


    This is a new pandemic and scientists are learning as they go.  If Fauci was in charge of the covid updates and his guidance was listened to I suspect your outbreak would not be as bad as it is now and about to become. 😞 


    You do realize Fauci has said lock downs were a mistake.  He also  said masks don’t work in February. Then in March he said they are a sign of respect. Really how about respecting the way our immune system is designed and letting it do it’s thing?  Or respecting the research that has shown for years masks are a health risk to the one wearing them when worn outside a sterile environment? In June you are propagating the virus. Even though at this point the research was/is showing the asymptomatic have an absolutely tiny chance of infecting others. Finally if social distancing works masks aren’t necessary.  


    You realize domestic abuse, child abuse and suicides are up astronomically do to the lock downs.  We would likely have gotten through this by now if those not high risk would stop hiding between staying inside, social distancing, and masks.  People are prolonging the inevitable.  Until people start developing antibodies this isn’t going anywhere.  The numbers show many more than previously thought have had it.  The survival rate is 99.98% that’s only if you get it first. This is likely even an understatement because many people have not been antibody tested. The numbers are going up right now for a couple reasons.  First the testing blitz. They are lumping current active cases together with those with antibodies. The problem with this is these people are positive now. All those people who couldn’t have “optional” surgeries all those months are now going in for surgery.  That’s if they survived the lock down without their surgery, many didn’t.  These people are being required to be tested prior to surgery.  If positive with antibodies or current virus infected they are being list as active hospital cases.  These are asymptomatic  or antibody present people who are not in the hospital because of Covid, but are being classified as Covid hospitalizations. If they’d stop claim these people as Covid the numbers would look much different.


     It’s believed this was here in the USA since last fall.  How did we all survive those months before it was being heavily talked about when we were out living our lives normally?  Yes some did die and I am not belittling that.  But this is insanity. Enjoy your social distancing masked cruises. As most here have said we will pass.  


    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, HappyInVan said:


    Actually, this is from the CDC site May 23rd...




    They recommend ...




    they also include citations of recent studies.


    Why are there conflicting recommendations?




    In fact, Dr. Faucci thinks...


    "Fauci said on June 9 that the virus is “very different” from other outbreaks such as Ebola and HIV. The virus jumped from an animal host and has a high degree of transmissibility and mortality, he said. It is historically one of the worst pandemics the world has ever experienced, he said, adding people have compared it to the 1918 flu.."




    Finally, you may not be aware of it. But, the positive percentage from anti-body tests (3-10%) are often  lower than from the PCR tests. Therefore, the inclusion of anti-body tests makes the state look less infected.







    I am quite aware. I have a masters in human physiology.  Fauci  flip flops every time it suits him and his handlers. 



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  3. 10 hours ago, HappyInVan said:


    I'm am confused by your comments. The airlines and cruise companies will comply with the best science available. That is, social distancing and masks save lives. It is the job of the CDC etc to veto any arrangement that is a public health hazard. 


    As I understand it, the majority of Americans do practice social distancing and wearing masks.




    So, it is your personal decision to fly/cruise or not. But,  the world has changed. The air travel and cruise industries are in contraction. Carnival is retiring ships and reducing capacity. 


    Cause and effect. Mitigation safeguards are in place because the disease has not been defeated. As long as the disease is active, safeguards are needed. Should you wish to continue cruising without distancing, defeat the disease first.










    That’s not the science. Direct from CDCs website. And before you point out these look at influenzas not COVID it will be awhile before actual, accurate Covid research is available. So best thing stop guessing and speculating and use that actual science we have available now. 


    “In our systematic review, we identified 10 RCTs that reported estimates of the effectiveness of face masks in reducing laboratory-confirmed influenza virus infections in the community from literature published during 1946–July 27, 2018….In pooled analysis, we found no significant reduction in influenza transmission with the use of face masks…Our systematic review found no significant effect of face masks on transmission of laboratory-confirmed influenza….Proper use of face masks is essential because improper use might increase the risk for transmission.”




    Not CDC but this research is a  doozy. 


    Conclusions This study is the first RCT of cloth masks, and the results caution against the use of cloth masks. This is an important finding to inform occupational health and safety. Moisture retention, reuse of cloth masks and poor filtration may result in increased risk of infection. Further research is needed to inform the widespread use of cloth masks globally. However, as a precautionary measure, cloth masks should not be recommended for HCWs, particularly in high-risk situations, and guidelines need to be updated.



    then there’s this just Incase the science isn’t convincing. 

    As of mid June, Bejing got hit with a 2nd wave, city under lockdown. Japan the same thing. Both adhere to wearing masks, so how did that help them???


    From CBS





  4. 1 hour ago, KroozNut said:


    Problem is that it will not be the cruise line's decision to make. They will be obligated to comply with CDC and other health requirements (distancing, masks, temp checks, etc.) when they are allowed to sail again.

    Yes however there will be requirements and recommendations. Recommendations are just that.  The question is will they go overboard like many states have?  The recommendations can really reduce their traffic and thus their profits could become nonexistent. However going over the top will really hurt them as is apparent from the comments here. The majority of us are not willing to support social distancing let alone masks.  There are some who will. If you are high risk and choose to go you can also choose to be more cautious.  However if the industry wants the majority of their passengers back it needs to find a way back to normal not a “new” normal. 

  5. We would gladly take our family on a cruise this year, the kids are bugging us to go.  That said only with no masks or social distancing.  We have not worn masks since this started and aren’t about to for what should be a fun and relaxing time.  Those who are concerned should feel free to wear masks, social distance, or not go.  

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