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Posts posted by BethanyInKC

  1. 1 hour ago, Izengolf said:

    So far the news is covering the flooding in Germany but I cannot find any mention of future impact here. This link for water levels in Romania actually shows all green and quite a few gauges have been decreasing so I would hope that means the Lower Danube will have the capacity to deal with the incoming wave as it moves towards the Black Sea (but have no experience to know 😊). I will watch for news of trouble and post if it comes up. 


    thanks so much!

  2. Horrible to read about all of the issues on the Danube! Any updates on the lower Danube? I’m booked on Avalon Impression, Bucharest to Belgrade, sailing 6/14. Just saw that the prior cruise on that ship (Budapest to Bucharest, sailing 6/7) was cancelled yesterday. Sounds like most issues are in Germany & Austria, but also fully understand the “domino effect” that happens throughout the system when such issues occur.

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