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Posts posted by That'sABigShip!

  1. Hi, I just joined this forum to relay this response. I was on the Disney Dream when it hit the dock. This was my first cruise ever and as a bit of a mechanical junkie, I was intrigued by the ship and all moving parts. As we pulled into Nassau, I was on the top deck at the bow of the ship. As it became to clear to me that we were turning around (180 degrees) in order to back in, I moved from the bow down to deck 4 to the port side in order to watch docking. I think I may have heard something (didn't figure anything was amiss) but felt nothing (at least nothing that alarmed me). It's hard for me to know for sure but I believe the impact may have occurred as the ship was finishing its rotation. As we backed into the dock I was struggling to read the wording on the end of the mooring pier. I finally realized that it said something to effect of "mooring only--no contact" in big yellow letters. The reason I was having trouble reading it is because the lettering was obscured by some sort of impact trauma. I told my dad, "Someone made contact". I had no idea that it was us until I got off the ship and saw our stern. Everything started adding up at that point pretty fast. We were not delayed at all but there was a flurry of activity dressing the impact site both in Nassau and at Castaway Cay.


    Where can I find out more info about the Disney Dream? I would love to see deck layouts that show back of house areas as well as public areas.

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