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wild tulip

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Posts posted by wild tulip

  1. Hi I am an elite member of Princess and was Silverwillow on the boards but lost my password and can not get back into my old email so posting under new name now as above.


    We have a b2b booked for July next year. We used our FCD's to book them so all up there is 4 FCD's on the booking. Last week my husband tells me that his work won't approve the leave. Also my daughter who would be travelling with us starts high school and the school does not condone holidays outside of school terms.


    I rang the travel agent yesterday to cancel the bookings and she told me that I will lose my FCD's and that because I used them as a deposit it essentially 'turned into cash' and I can't get it back. We are talking about $400 worth of FCD's and I told her 'that is not how the program works and that I have cancelled a cruise before and retained the FCD'. She insisted I haven't and quite curtly tried explaining to me like I was a 5 year old that it is essentially money once it is applied so I have "Used them". The cruise is not even until march next year so I wouldn't even lose my deposit if it was money would I?


    Who is correct and can anyone source the page on Princess that has all the FCD rules?


    If I lose the FCD's what's the point of even having them.

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