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Posts posted by Wossa

  1. Hi there. I felt I should take a few moments to sincerely thank you for posting your blog on the Uniworld Golden Triangle. I read it through and through because we were embarking on the same trip departing 12 January 2018 and I wanted to take all precautions. In particular I took the prescription antibiotics you recommended for my partner (John) and myself along just in case. Everything was OK until the cruise. On the second day John woke up feeling very unwell. There was a doctor on board (a passenger from Melbourne) so I asked him to have a look. He arrived with his stethoscope and said there was 'a rattle' in John's chest and advised him to take the antibiotics immediately (otherwise it could develop in to pneumonia). He still spent four days in bed, not eating and drinking little. Again I am very grateful for your advice because had I not had the antibiotics with me (and the Melbourne doctor was not onboard) John's condition would have deteriorated further.


    I have shared John's experience with Uniworld because I thought they should know and I want to know what precautions they have in place for a similar situation that may occur in the future. It worth pointing out that of the 22 passengers on the trip all but 1 went missing for 1, 2 and some 3 days during the cruise. They were mostly effected by stomach bugs. Even the doctor, his wife and 14 yo son went missing.


    Kind regards,


    Warren Stanborough

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