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Posts posted by king97tut

  1. ***Update*** now AIRBNB has joined the BAN FELON cause. They do background checks on all now. So if you plan and renting a place before or after your cruise in the United States you will have your reservation canceled 24 hours before your trip like the did to me last week. Even if you have been with AIRBNB since the beginning.


    What are the crimes for which you remove users from the platform?


    Users with serious criminal histories may be removed or referred for further review if our checks show convictions within a certain time period.

    Less serious convictions will never result in removal (such as disorderly conduct or marijuana possession).

    Some other crimes may result in removal for a period of 14 years (such as felony burglary or felony larceny) or seven years (such as fraud or property damage) from the date of conviction.

    Severe crimes may result in removal for a longer period of time or even permanently (such as murder, terrorism, rape or child molestation).



  2. "Alright Know It All's" here is the direct number to Carnival Security Services-First its called "Do Not Sail" List. Within 72 hours of booking your trip with Carnival they do a background check on everyone on the booking number, yes minors too. IF they flag you in any form or fashion they will send you an email telling you to call 800-438-6744 when prompted enter the ext 78830 that will get you to their security team. If your lucky you get Miss Attitude Shelly, she will be very frank with you and & to the point. Your a RSO.... or Felon....whatever they pull on you "through third party agency" your not going anywhere with them. They will also forward to Homeland or Homeland will forward to them.

    Ask her why they just don't put on the booking contract RSO/Felons not allowed? Silence, she would not answer the question.

    So I asked my attorney, he says their silent on it because in some states it is illegal for them to do a background check without your consent. Also they will not mention on the booking since it might perceive them as trying to be proactive by screening passengers before boarding. Creating a false sense of security to the passenger. But in fact there is not one documented case of any RSO ever committing a new crime on a ship. They know the greater danger is the one sex offender that has not been caught nor has a record. Then they would be liable because some lawyer chomping on the bit would sue them. You think Harvey Weinstein & Bill Crosby and all the rest of them not tried and convicted are on the "No Sail List" I think not...

  3. Update, I spoke to Carnival security team yesterday. They do indeed do background checks on all passengers through a third party agency. All Sex Offenders no matter how old the crime or circumstance are immediately rejected. If your not a sex offender then they will then determine the severity of your felony crime. You will get a notification that you have been kicked off the booking within 48 hours. They started this effective /2017. Has to do with the Obama law he signed in 2016 they call it international Megan's Law. But Carnival took it one step higher and now screen all felons. If your a sex offender it only gets worse for you, because if you book a cruise on a ship that does not do background checks they will then kick you of per your new passport showing your a sex offender. Plus all ports of entry they immigration will have your sex offender status and you will be denied going to that non American Island -https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/News/passports/passports-and-international-megans-law.html Currently RCC & Carnival screen all passengers. When all cruises leave the United States they have to submit the passenger manifest to Homeland Security. They will also flag passengers and notify the cruise security team of your status.


    Why do I know so much? My best man a RSO his crime committed 26 years ago, and family friend "exfelon"were both booted off Carnival cruise 3 days before departure last month. The sad part is that its not even in Carnival Ticket contract...they refer to section 21. CARNIVAL reserves the right to decline to accept or to reject any person as a Guest, at any time, or to cancel a vacation package due to circumstances beyond the control of CARNIVAL...They claimed they notified both of them with emails...all bull****..they did not find out until they logged in to check in online. Then to add further insult refused to refund the booking.


    After threatening legal action they eventually refunded their money. They still were out a couple of grand for airfare, hotels before the cruise, booked deep sea fishing..etc..but refused to refund that of their spouses..they wives had to go on the cruise anyway or lose all their money.


    The Fun Ship it ain't.

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