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Posts posted by good7000

  1. My sentiments exactly! Thank you for posting this. I am sick to death of these inconsiderate owners who parade their pets around in strollers, take them in stores (any store is bad enough but grocery stores make me cringe), and "wear" them as accessories. I've come to realize that most of these pet owners are lacking something in their lives to act like this. I can guess that those that have children didn't even treat their kids the way they treat their dogs. Yuck:mad:


    Since businesses are too afraid to do anything about this growing problem, I wish people would be respectful enough to STOP bringing their pets on ships. You do a major disservice to people who genuinely require the assistance of a trained support animal and already have enough struggle in life. Your "fur baby" that is not a trained service animal does not belong on the ship, period. If you are too cheap to pay for pet boarding, don't take a cruise. If you can't handle being apart from your pet, work out that issue. You may think it is cute to push your dog in a stroller or dress it in an outfit, but the rest of us laugh at you, not with you. The crew is there to provide services to guests, not to clean up after your pets. Please be considerate of those with genuine needs and other guests. It's okay to leave your dog home, they'll go plenty bonkers when you return anyways. Pets in restaurants is particularly disgusting. I am an animal lover but there is a time and place, and a cruise ship is wholly inappropriate for your pets.
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