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  1. Ah you may have a point there! Everyone, I retract my previous statements. The food in Sushi on 5 is complete rubbish. It’s even worse if you’re sitting in the window seats. Keep clear at all costs! 😂😂😂
  2. Some final thoughts on my last fully solo cruise of the year: Overall, I had an absolutely wonderful week on the Equinox! While it’ll be nice to see her finally get the rest of her refurb, the ship overall seems to be in very good condition and the place is spotless. It seemed like wherever you went there was always someone vacuuming, mopping or scrubbing something. If you’re really hardcore about needing to have the full modern, updated ship atmosphere, I would say maybe wait on Equinox and sail E-class or one of the fully refurbished S or M class ships. But for me personally what Equinox lacked in modern carpets, stateroom design, etc. she more than made up for in the service from the crew and quality of the live music entertainment. Honestly the biggest negatives I experienced were things Celebrity has little control over. The behavior of my fellow passengers was less than stellar at times (something which it sounds like comes with the time of year, and I think also may be due in part to the deal/price point offered for this sailing…sadly I think there are folks out there that don’t respect things as much when they aren’t paying top dollar for them) and the wifi plain awful for a few days. But I think it’s a statement to the other elements of the onboard experience that neither of those ruined the cruise for me. Plus while there were a few bad apples, I met so many wonderful people and shared so many laughs with them over the week! While there were a (very few) food misses, i definitely had plenty of wonderful meals and my poor personal trainer has had his work cut out getting me back into my cruise day 1-4 wardrobe dress sizes in time for Bermuda in 21 days…which brings me to what’s next for me on cruise life! So yes, next up, on July 23rd, hubby and I will be going wheels up for NYC to sail out the next day to celebrate my big FORTIETH birthday onboard the Summit headed to Bermuda! This will be my first time really visiting New York City (when I’m not just going back and forth from a hotel to a law office or courtroom the whole time) and I’m so excited. My husband has already put a freeze on most of our credit cards in anticipation of my 24 hour stay in fashion central (with “well I deserve a birthday gift” as spending rationale). As I was taking off from LGA for the second leg of my flight home from Equinox I looked down on the city and Central Park and smiled and thought “see ya in 3 weeks!” After Bermuda, I’ll have a 3 month break from cruising (I don’t want to think about how long those months will feel), then will sail with my girlfriend Red in separate solo cabins on Beyond on November 8th. After that, it will be about 6 weeks until GenZ makes her glorious (suite, of course, she’d tolerate no less) return to cruising as we set sail to celebrate a mommy-daughter New Years Eve on my favorite Celebrity ship, the Silhouette! As always I want to say a huge thanks to everyone who read along and especially to everyone who’s taking the time to live review their cruises as well! When I’m between sailings, reading others reviews and looking at their pics really keeps me going. I hope I’ve been able to pay it forward in some small way. To everyone sailing in the next few weeks, bon voyage! I’m super excited to meet some of you in person on Summit in a few weeks and on Beyond in November!
  3. Hello all, after a week settling back into the real world on land (which I give 3 out of 10, do not recommend BTW), I am finally back to finish my review! Let’s see, based on my notes I think the posts I still had left to do were a report on second evening chic night and final thoughts on my cruise. So how about we start with evening chic? As I think I mentioned, after I dressed, I started the evening with the Concierge Class senior officers party in the sky lounge. The bar was fully open (those without beverage package had to purchase bar drinks) and servers were passing out complimentary sparkling wine. It was during this event that I rememnerd that I usually get an invite to a similarly formatted captain’s club party early in the cruise but didn’t this time. Then I realized that usually on embarkation day there’s a paper on my bed listing all the dates and times for all the Captain’s Club events for my loyalty level (welcome party, wine tasting, etc.), but I don’t think I got one this time. I assume those events were still held and I just didn’t get the memo, but if anyone onboard knows differently please chime in. After the party, I won’t to Ensemble Lounge to listen to the strings duo while Konamg and Abdul kept me well in cosmopolitans and Evian. Then I met some new friends made onboard at the martini bar for pre dinner drinks and the presentation of all the ship’s officers. After that, it was time for my last dose of Murano until the end of the year. I am happy to report that I went out with a bang. The heavy Murano menu exploration this cruise totally paid off because I believe I have stumbled upon my perfect Murano meal. I started with my longtime favorite lobster bisque and new favorite risotto. Then, for my entree I told Michael that I was torn between having one more Murano lobster and trying the chataubriand for two (which he told me he could try and ask the chef to make for one). Michael then told me he’d check with the back but he thought since I’d been such a good customer over the cruise, I needn’t worry about deciding and he’d make me a Murano surf & turf of BOTH a smaller helping of lobster and the chateaubriand. While he was checking I indulged in buying one more excellent bottle of wine that the sommelier recommended that was within my desired price point (a little under actually, saving money is always appreciated) and would pair well with both seafood and medium rare beef. You know what heaven is? Sitting in a comfy chair in a beautiful room, decked out in an evening dress, sipping a nice cotes du Rhône and watching not one, but TWO well-dressed men prepare your filet and lobster tableside. I’m not exaggerating when I say I almost cried with happiness. I did tear up a little when I actually got to eat it. It really was a best life moment. For dessert I decided to let the show continue and Michael prepared one last crepe ballon rouge for me. I was tempted to go with my Gran Marnier soufflé, but it was feeling like it would be a little too rich for me after all the other food and I was craving that fresh strawberries taste. The service I received in Murano over the course of the cruise was impeccable and somehow managed to get even better with each visit. These guys really were an A-team. The staff in Blu on Summit is going to have some big shoes to fill on my sail to Bermuda in a few weeks. But wait, I’m getting ahead of myself. After dinner I went to the martini bar for an espresso martini pick me up then headed to the second silent disco party. This one was even more packed than the one in the martini bar earlier in the cruise. They were running out of headphones and there was a line to get a pair as people were turning them in. This time it was 3 dueling DJ’s on the different channels, including our cruise director Simon. I’m pretty sure that all over the world at this very moment there are dry cleaners gnashing their teeth at the work of getting all the sweat out of the suits, tuxes and evening dresses worn at that party. I know mine shook her head and tisked at me when I dropped my gown off yesterday, anyway. Pics of food and partying below. Soon to come: a final wrap up post and update on upcoming cruise plans, then I’ll go back through the review and try to answer any questions that I missed.
  4. Ok so just a thought on the dress front. If it turns out it’s just a logistics not a size issue, I take a zipper helper with me on my solo trips for just such occasions! I can’t find the exact one I have (I got it in a small formal dress shop years ago) but this one looks like it has good Amazon reviews and comes with a cute carrying bag! https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08NB594BZ/ref=cm_sw_r_api_i_D2A18Z4W24W166CGSND0_0
  5. Unfortunately I didn’t see any info onboard and I’m not sure if they were even letting people purchase a day pass, but I think that may be because Aqua class, which gets free access for the full cruise, was completely sold out well in advance on this sailing. So they may not have offered the add on knowing how busy/crowded those areas would already be with Aqua guests. Now that I’m thinking about it I don’t think I’ve seen that access pass marketed onboard for single or multiple-day since the restart. I wonder if it’s because with the low occupancy ships, so many were getting their move up bids to Aqua honored at the last minute and Aqua was pretty full then too.
  6. A report on my final night dinner in Tuscan. When I got to the restaurant I was escorted to literally the best seat in the house. You know the bread course where they give you that warm bread basket with olive oil with fresh cut basil? It sounds like they’re alternating the fresh herb now. Tonight it was fresh cut oregano instead of basil. Still a wonderful complement to that warm Asiago cheese roll. The sommelier quickly brought over the rest of my bottle of Cote du Rhone from Murano last night and I sipped it while watching that water churn and trying not to ugly cry. I was thinking while I sipped/munched that I think I know why this cruise ending is so particularly bittersweet. This will be my last fully solo cruise of 2022. All the others either Jeremy, my girlfriend Red or GenZ will be sailing along. Don’t get me wrong, I love sharing cruise life with all three of these people so dear to my heart. But there’s something special about solo cruising and experiencing the ship and ports completely selfishly and 100% on my own terms. Having that brief week at sea where a woman with a rigorous career, husband, and child can do whatever she wants, whenever she wants, without a worry in the world or anyone else’s needs having to be met. My husband would say I probably need to stop talking now, or our next cruise will be 90% women sitting solo at 2 top tables in map dresses sipping Chandon, tawny port and single espressos and tearing into medium rare ribeyes while smiling contentedly and completely ignoring push notifications popping up on their phones that say “New Message From: Hubby”. So yeah, let’s get back to the food in Tuscan. For dinner I ordered the goat cheese and arugula salad, ribeye, a side order portion of the short rib pappardelle and a side of sautéed spinach. I can’t recall who recommended I try the goat cheese and arugula salad but thank you! Omg that deep fried ball of goat cheese though…I didn’t think you could improve on goat cheese, but here comes Celebrity deep frying it! My pasta and steak were just as good as I remembered and the spinach was nice and garlicky with extra little crunchy garlic pieces on top for flavor. I’m pleased to report that this time it was a proper nice thick ribeye too (not that skinny breakfast steak type ribeye I was served in Tuscan on Millennium in March). I wasn’t going to have dessert, but then I remembered that I hadn’t had the Limoncello cheesecake this cruise. So I did what I had to do. As I was finishing my appetizer course, a lady sat down at a two top near me in an adorable dress with just her and her little boy who looked about 9 or 10 and was dressed and acting like such a little gentleman in his shirt and tie. He pulled his mother’s chair out for her and was all “pleases” and “thank you’s” with the servers. They seemed to be having such a wonderful time together. It made me think of GenZ and I and our mommy and me travel adventures. While I’m sad to leave the Equinox, I am so excited to see her tonight! Next up a back in time post on formal night and my last Murano dinner.
  7. If you see me in an admirals club lounge, mimosa in hand, breakfast quesadilla in front of me and I’m pouting, chances are I’m on my way home from vacation. I think this lounge may be the only place more packed than the walk off disembark area in the theater on Equinox this morning. I was kind of shocked at the attitudes of some of my fellow passengers waiting. Highlights included a guy in his 20’s shouting the F word at people and an older man with a thick Texas accent (I couldn’t see him through the crowd, he must’ve been short, but he made sure EVERYONE could hear him) declaring that he was “running this show” “by order of the fire marshal” (I don’t think that’s even a thing on a cruise ship?) and barking orders at his fellow passengers to make sure he and his wife could get past them and off ASAP. There was not a crew member in sight to manage any of this nonsense. That BTW is precisely why I don’t book flights on disembark day that leave before noon. It seems pointless to me to spend thousands on a vacation to relax and put me in a good mood then immediately have to stress and be impatient (or worse, rude to my fellow passengers like these guys were, I could never) about getting off. I just hung back from the craziness by the theatre entrance and let the alpha males go about their jostling for position. My flight isn’t until 12:15 so I didn’t necessarily need to rush, but you never know what priority bag check in and TSA precheck are going to be like on a Sunday morning at MIA. You could be through there in 10 minutes or it could take an hour and a half. The latter happened to cruise buddies of mine on their last cruise and they almost missed their flight. Today it was the former for me and I was bag checked and through security and in the D30 lounge within 20 minutes. I’ll still take sitting around here for another hour and a half over having to rush. As I was walking down the gangway I could see a couple of the notorious black SUV’s parked right next to the ship in the cargo area next to a lower gangway, waiting to whisk away our Covid positive passengers. On that front, I am pleased to report that I tested myself this morning and am negative. I’ll report back when I retest later this week, but hopefully all will still be well. The only direct flight back to STL today didn’t leave MIA till 11:30 at night (no thank you) so I’m doing an itinerary with a layover at LGA. Weird path to STL but it will get me home by 7pm if all runs on schedule and the 2.5 hour layover gave me wiggle room to still make my connection if I have any delays leaving MIA. All the other options connected through ATL on 45 minute layovers. I know enough about ATL to know there was little chance of both me and my checked bag making that connection. Coming soon: Charla has another sorrow mimosa at the airport and writes a few catch up reports and final thoughts on my cruise.
  8. I should be going down to do some packing and dress for dinner. But instead I’m sitting in the rough off Hole 4 listening to live acoustic guitar and sulking while Adrian and Ricky take turns refilling my Chandon. On our sail out of Nassau, as I was looking down at the wake I saw a fever of huge stingrays in the water at starboard. I’m really not ready to end this one, guys. I guess I’m really never ready for them to end. It’s so unfair.
  9. Enjoy your cruise! So in Tuscan I think the ribeye is also an excellent steak and with no additional upcharge. For other starters that are good I also like the meatballs and am not ashamed to admit that I once consumed the charcuterie plate meant for 2-4 guests all by myself as a starter course. On the pasta side I like the short rib pappardelle and the gnocchi as well as the spaghetti and meatballs. If you want to do both steak and pasta, they can do all the pastas as a side order portion size. In Murano it doesn’t get much better than that Murano lobster for me and the tableside preparation is a show itself. For the starter, the risotto, lobster bisque and pork belly are my favorites!
  10. Sigh, so far it’s been a nice, if bittersweet, last day of cruise. It looks like it was a pretty busy day in Nassau with 3 ships in port. After my buffet breakfast (the most crowded one I’ve seen this cruise) I went for my aromatherapy hot stone massage with Evangeline. She once again did a great job and worked out my soreness from dancing into the wee hours last night. Before I left, she gave me the names of a couple of her friends working in the spa on Summit who she could recommend for my spa services in Bermuda next month. I got to the spa a little early so I’d have time to use the sauna and showers and have a cup of tea in the relaxation lounge watching us come into Nassau. It really is a cool view from there overlooking the helipad. While I was sipping my tea and watching sail in, a crew member was going around the room on her hands and knees cleaning and polishing every speck of chrome in the pillars, doors, etc. They are SERIOUS about keeping this ship up. I didn’t have a reservation but thought I’d take a chance with the quiet port day ship to get in lunch at sushi on 5. I was successful! The restaurant really must have a following on this ship as Captain Matt and his lovely wife were enjoying lunch there as well with a couple of other passengers. After lunch I hit the pool deck for some rum punch, swimming live music from Radio Duo and yacht watching. After all aboard I’ll head up to sunset bar for one last sail away with Adrian and Ricky then dress for dinner and a show. I know I still owe a catch up post on the rest of formal night and I promise I’ll get to it soon!
  11. Im so sorry to hear that! I hope your case was mild and that you’re feeling better soon. Last night Captain Matt announced that we’ve had 3 passenger positive cases and I heard we’re at about 2480 passengers, so that’s still a pretty low percentage. I assume that doesn’t include the numbers for people testing for B2B or crew testing though, both of which just happened today. This morning I did see some security officers looking hard around the pool deck with a paper in their hand and there was a whole ship page this morning for a specific passenger asking them to go to a phone and dial 0 immediately. I’m wondering if another case was identified somehow. I plan to test tomorrow morning before I go to the airport and again late next week just to be sure. Thus far I’m feeling great (other than bloated from my food and alcohol intake this week) not even a sniffle, so I’m hoping it stays that way!
  12. I won’t lie, last night I DID price out a basic veranda on the next sailing, but with so many cruises already in my line up this year I think my financial and marital stability would be put at high risk! On the bright side though, I actually got the email yesterday with the guest documents for my Bermuda cruise which is only 28 days away! And we have some really good other live reviews starting up to hold us till then!
  13. Good morning from our sail into Nassau and a very happy International Day of the Seafarer to the crew of the Equinox and the entire Celebrity fleet! As Captain Matt proudly announced this morning, today Celebrity Infinity will set sail on her first post-shutdown cruise, meaning that the ENTIRE CELEBRITY FLEET IS OFFICIALLY BACK IN SERVICE!!! 👏🏾🙌🏾👏🏾🙌🏾🎉 We got to celebrate this incredibly happy occasion with Captain Matt and some of the crew on the pool deck this morning. I want to say a huge thank you to the crew of the Equinox and the crew of all the Celebrity ships that I’ve had the privilege of sailing on over the 9 past years. When I think about it, Celebrity cruises have been a part of so many special moments in my life: The time my husband told me he was falling in love with me under a starry sky on Reflection, when he asked me to be his wife during a surprise photo shoot on Silhouette, when we eloped in Mexico on a Christmas cruise on Infinity and the first time our daughter told me, on a mommy-daughter skip back to our room after picking her up from Camp @ Sea on Millennium, that when she grows up, she hopes she can be just like me. And a million more incredible travel experiences and memories made that I will never forget. It’s all only possible thanks to these awesome crew members who work long hours for months and years on end just to give us all a vacation. In much less happy news, when I got back to my room last night, I found disembarkation instructions for tomorrow waiting for me. I’m planning to stay onboard today to get a massage and take advantage of one more day on the quiet ship before packing time, the ship’s Elysium production show, dinner at Tuscan Grille and lots of sad good byes and thank you envelope deliveries. Coming soon: a back in time report on yesterday afternoon/evening.
  14. Hi Susan! That sounds fabulous, enjoy your cruises! I’m actually a little jealous of you. As much as I’m looking forward to trying a Bermuda sailing and experiencing Beyond, I’m kind of sad that I don’t have any more Equinox cruises in my lineup for the next year.
  15. Scenes from Evening Chic Night on Equinox! I love that even with the different demographic on this cruise, I was not even close to being in the minority of people dressed to the nines tonight. Also just a shout out to Susan from Canada who is following this review. Please convince your super fun friend who is onboard with me to sail on the November 8th Beyond trip (and while we’re on the subject you come too 😁). It’s still like 48 hours too early for goodbyes, but I’m really going to miss this ship and all the friendly, beautiful people who work here and the new friends that I’ve made. If you’re following, haven’t started thinking about your return to cruising, and you are in a position in terms of finances/government restrictions/work obligations/risk tolerance to do so, I hope this review inspires you to really start thinking about it. Even with the relatively minor hiccups I’ve had so far, it really is a beautiful, wonderful, fun world out here at sea!
  16. So in the area where we live the sushi restaurant actually serves 2 rolls where they’re dipped in batter and tempura fried and I’m not ashamed to admit I eat them both with great pleasure and pride in my lack of sophistication. 😂
  17. A report on my sea day spa morning and Sushi on 5 lunch: After my treatments I was hoping to go chill in cafe al Bacio at a window table with some tea till lunch time, but at 11:15am every single table was taken, even the ones in the foyer. I couldn’t help but think with longing of my Summit cruise a mere 8 months ago where I was the only customer at all in al bacio at 10am on a sea day. I guess at the end of the day, full cafe’s and full ships are how cruise lines make money and if I want Celebrity to still be around for me 10 years from now, I know I couldn’t expect to keep cruising at 40% capacity. I got my green tea to go instead and sipped it on an open foyer seat by craft social watching the best attended dance class I’ve seen since the restart. There were people dancing in the passport bar because their wasn’t room for any more couples on the dance floor. I bet the activities and entertainment teams are glad to be able to really do their jobs now with passengers to entertain! About the spa this morning, this was my first time trying the spa on Equinox. I’d actually stopped using the spa on celebrity after some really disappointing and overpriced experiences in the Canyon Ranch days. Then I read that Celebrity had changed spa vendors with the E class roll out and gave it a try on Edge and had some good services. I was interested to see if the same would be true on S class. Today I had the same sea salt body scrub and massage I had on the Edge. I actually think the overall experience of my treatments was a little better on Equinox. Unlike edge, this time I was actually invited to come early and use the sauna, relaxation lounge, showers etc. before my treatment. The robe I was given for my treatment was better quality and much kinder to my curves. Evangeline from the Philippines who did my scrub and massage was fantastic. I use the exact same salt scrub product that Celebrity uses for its treatments to exfoliate weekly at home, but there’s only so well I can scrub my own back and it’s hard to be vigorous and thorough enough applying standing up in my shower, so I try to have a scrub from a pro at a spa once a month. Evangline left my skin baby smooth and with a high glow. After I showered off the scrub she gave me a warm eucalyptus scented bath towel to dry off with (was just a plain room temp non scented towel on Edge) and gave me a glass of ice cold lemon water to sip before she started my massage to get ahead of any soreness (also not a thing on Edge). The massage part was so good, I decided to take advantage of the port day discount and book myself an aromatherapy hot stone massage with her for tomorrow while we’re in the Bahamas. I’m just wrapping up my Chandon and sushi sea day lunch at Sushi on 5. The restaurant is full again. The first few people who came up without a reservation were given the option to wait 20-30 minutes for a table. Everyone who came up without one after that has been turned away. Cements my thinking that now that cruising is back to new normal, I’ll always make my sushi lunch reservations first thing when I get onboard (for some reason lunch at Sushi on 5 cannot be reserved in the cruise planner pre-cruise). I did notice that they were also letting people place to go orders again. I may need to try that next cruise. Sushi on my veranda in my swimsuit sounds pretty good. My Kobe slider was a little overcooked but I really enjoyed my spicy tuna & tempura roll. I saw lots of other tables with empty sushi platters so looks like the consensus on this ship at least is that the sushi quality has finally improved. I think I’ll go see how generous the slot machines are feeling before the world wine tasting this afternoon. Wish me luck!
  18. A quick report on the Celebrity App experience onboard. I discovered this morning that if you swipe left at the bottom of the main app screen the app gives you the option now to use a digital key on your phone to open your stateroom door just like Hyatt and Hilton. This seems like a handy feature for when my seapass card has fallen down into the depths of my pool tote somewhere and I don’t want to fish for it. Or when sailing with my husband and we’ve parted ways for activities and he forgets that I’ve got both our seapass cards in my purse. I wouldn’t rely on it too heavily though because app has been pretty glitchy. I’ve had specialty reservations and wine events that I know I have booked not show up or show up in the app as a different reservation time than what the maitre d has in the system (luckily I caught this early in the cruise and double checked all my reservation days/times with the maitre d in Murano, to make sure everything was right in Celebrity’s computer and I wouldn’t show up at the wrong time). Not sure if it’s a glitch or just a design miss, but none of my spa appointments even the ones I made well in advance show up in the app at all. I’d started to wonder if, with the expanded app showing my bookings, it was still necessary for me to go through my pre-cruise exercise of printing off hard copies of all my confirmations before I leave, but for now I’ve decided that given the glitches those trees will have to continue to be sacrificed. Speaking of wrong times, this morning for a little while, the app was also displaying ship time as 3 hours earlier than it actually was (I was definitely not up at 4:43am). I wonder if that might be contributing to the lighter than usual crowd at oceanview breakfast at almost 9am. Once I finish eating I’m off to the spa for a sea day body scrub and a massage!
  19. Remind me, was it John and Yoko who did that thing where they let the whole world see them in bed in their robes to spread a message of peace? Well, welcome to my bed-in to spread the message of the joys of being a woman sailing solo on Celebrity. As I was leaving my sushi dinner I had an epiphany. My original plan was to have pillow chocolates for my in-room dessert tonight. Then I looked across the foyer and remembered that my captains club status comes with that free scoop of gelato. Pinot noir and hazelnut gelato with almonds? Yes please! Oh and halfway through my gelato I REALLY hit expert cruise hack and thought of crumbling a couple of the pillow chocolates on top of the gelato!!! While I’m enjoying my best life solo girls night in, a report on my Sushi on 5 dinner. When I got to the restaurant it was not completely full but very busy and you could tell the servers were really hustling to try and keep up with good service. How hectic was it? As I was digging into my second course, 3 of the senior officers arrived at the restaurant to have their dinner. The maitre d was tied up at another table so someone else seated them at the table right behind me…which had not been bussed AT ALL and was still covered in dirty dishes and placemats from the guests who left a few minutes before. When the maitre d saw what had happened it seemed like he was humiliated and hustling to make it right. The officers seemed like they were understanding and took it in stride. At least publicly anyway. Hopefully no one is gonna be sent packing when we get back to FLL! The funny part is that when I saw those 3 super official gentlemen come walking directly back at me (and again, I’m not thinking they’re coming to sit for dinner, because they aren’t being led by the maitre d and the only 4 top table available anywhere around me just left and it’s still dirty and not ready for new guests), I’m pretty sure my blood pressure spiked. I had my mouth prepped to blurt out “whatever it is, I didn’t do it!” lol Ok so back to the food. I ordered a couple of my go to’s, the shrimp and lobster wontons and the shrimp tempura roll. Then I decided to try something new and forego my favorite pork ramen and try the shrimp tempura udon. The wontons were good as always. Don’t forget to try the seaweed salad on the side, I like it so much sometimes I order just a little side dish of it when I’m not getting the wontons. The shrimp tempura roll was actually improved from my last Equinox cruise. I’ve always been of the opinion that the Maki rolls were ironically the weakest dishes at Sushi on 5. It seems like the game has been stepped up. The rice was way better and it was rolled perfectly (I’ve had maki from sushi on 5 fall apart completely in my chopsticks sooo many times because it wasn’t rolled right). If you’re used to having sushi in a really competitive authentic sushi restaurant market (like NYC, Seattle, LA or of course, Japan), I’m guessing this probably still isn’t going to hold a candle to what you get at home (and probably pay at least double the price for). But I think it was on par with what we get at midwest suburban sushi places. The shrimp tempura udon…once again here’s a dish that I’m mad I didn’t give a chance sooner. The broth had rich seafood flavor and the udon noodles were cooked just right. The shrimp tempura on its own was a little bland and could have been a little crispier, but I can totally forgive that because it’s meant to to be dunked in that yummy broth. I don’t think this replaces the pork ramen as my favorite, but going forward I’ll probably alternate back and forth during the cruise between ordering the shrimp tempura udon and pork ramen. Pics of the goodness below. Sweet dreams from the Equinox!
  20. Hello from sea day! FYI since last night, wifi has been extremely slow (calling it “stream” at this point is just flagrant false advertising, I couldn’t even get a music/video streaming app to load, much less play anything from it). And Ive been having a tough time getting the CC site to even load fully. Forget uploading pics or lengthy posts. I’ve still been writing posts in Notes on my phone and taking pics so there may be rapid streams of posts back to back in fits and starts when wifi is cooperating. Speaking of back to back, for anyone wondering, I spoke to a few people who are doing this cruise as a b2b with the 6 night after and they were informed last night that they WILL have to Covid test onboard tomorrow in Nassau for the second leg of their b2b. I haven’t heard any announcements or gossip about any positive cases onboard and as of this morning we haven’t had any changes to our masks-optional policy.
  21. So glad you’re enjoying! The bus ride to the beach I’d say was about 20-30 minutes. It wasn’t too bad. The tour guide got on a mic on the way out and back and gave lots of info about the island and sights we were passing too, so the time passed easily.
  22. In a cute but comfortable dress and ready for dinner. I had to run to guest services before cocktails and stumbled on a great selfie opportunity. The Godmother and the Funmother!
  23. Good afternoon from the pool deck of the Carnival Sunshine-oops I mean Celebrity Equinox! I’m totally joking, it hasn’t gone THAT far. I will say though that this is my first Celebrity cruise where I’ve seen/heard groups of passengers mobbed around the pool bar chanting “SHOTS! SHOTS! SHOTS!” at the top of their lungs. Poor Kadek and I Ketut and Team. I’m gonna need to up my pool bartender/server budget for this trip. The football brahs were also back in full effect this afternoon, but this time the pool officer did make them put a stop to their catch game, after it got out of hand and they were hitting railings and knocking over drinks with the errant throws. Speaking of the pool crew though, the pool servers and bartenders this cruise really have been great and I’m surprised at how well they’re managing to keep up with so many more passengers. I’ve yet to go more than 10 minutes on the deck without a server coming by and asking if I need something. Unfortunately a work emergency came up this morning that I had to deal with while I knew the wifi was good, so I wasn’t able to make my tour in Tortola today. 😭 I did get to do most of said work on a nearly empty pool deck (was nice while it lasted) in the sunshine. I consoled myself after I finished work with a rum punch from Ricky at the Sunset Bar and a beef rendang (delicious) and pork Milanese (meh) buffet lunch with steak nachos for dessert…don’t judge me. Tonight will be my second chill night of the cruise. I didn’t have any specialties booked but I’m feeling a crave for Sushi. The app dining reservations system is being glitchy so I put in a call to specialty reservations to see if I could get lucky. My good friend Michael from Murano answered the phone and greeted me by name and let me know he could get me in Sushi on 5 at 8pm. I was excited to hear the news as I’ve heard reports that Murano and Tuscan are now almost completely booked up for the rest of the cruise (so for those following who are sailing soon, it may be worth doing your specialty reservations in advance or first thing when you get on the ship so you don’t miss out). I’m headed down to my veranda to get a couple more chapters of reading in then I’ll shower and hit Sunset and Ensemble for my pre-Dinner cocktails. Tonight’s exciting after dinner plan is to drink wine and eat pillow chocolates in bed and watch House of Gucci, which is free on demand on my stateroom TV!
  24. Yasss! Come!!! We will celebrate your b-day at the Gatsby party! Let’s turn that sailing into the solo ladies of CC cruise!
  25. Thank you! I won’t lie to you. The passenger count jump after sailing half full ships was a big adjustment. The first day or 2 I found myself thinking “who the dickens are all these PEOPLE on MY ship??? This is OUTRAGEOUS!” 😂
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