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Posts posted by SSInsigne

  1. So here's the situation: I am in the military and I turn 21 at the beginning of June. I want to plan my cruise for late June, early July. Awesome, works for me. Here's my concern though. My girlfriend is only 20 and won't turn 21 before the cruise.


    I found this while researching:


    "Qualified Military Personnel

    Applies to US Military Personnel and Canadian National Defense personnel (and their traveling companions in the same stateroom) of 18 – 20 years of age.

    Copy of proof of service must be submitted."

    It says, "traveling companions" of 18-20 years of age. So my question is does this mean that I can take my gf who is 20 on the cruise since I am in the military?

    Every other place I looked I thought the <20 thing only applied to the military member him/herself and their wife/husband.

  2. You said that your SO is 20. How old are you? If you are under 25, you will not be able to book on Carnival. I believe other lines you must be 21. EM


    Good to know! I turn 21 this June so I guess I will wait until then to book. I suppose Carnival is out of the question.


    If one of them is military they can.


    Nevermind, Carnival is back in contention lol

  3. Hello all! Cruising has just become a new idea for myself as, for whatever reason, I've just realized that it is pretty cheap considering what you get + the amount of places you visit. I am planning our first cruise this summer before deployment and I plan to propose there as well! :)


    So, just a few questions... (Some may be able to be found online, but I prefer human answers, not some apparent "cruise guru" on a online blog)


    1. Are there plenty of activities for adults on board that don't require 21+ (SI will only be 20)?


    2. What are the laws regarding passports needs if we are planning to go to the Bahamas?


    3. We want to spend a good amount of time traveling the land itself and on the ship mostly for dinner, sleep, night activities. What are the best cruise lines to go through for this experience or do most, if not all, provide this?


    4. Best spots to do a proposal? (I want it to be a more private moment between just the two of us, so no public proposals please)


    5. What are some essential items to pack that we may not think of?


    6. What are some key things you wished you knew your first time on a cruise?


    7. Anything else you wish to say :)


    Thanks everyone! I hope to spend a good time on here in the future!

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