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Posts posted by KrisMP

  1. Wow you’re right. It appeared in our cruise’s activities for people to book now too. It wasn’t there before. But you’re right, there’s no pic for it. I’m sailing on the Vista April 28th. Is that the same as you all?


    Interestingly enough tho... our other friend that booked this with us took a screen shot of it listed in activities way back when we booked it (he wanted to send it to his gf showing her what he booked) and the x was there way back then. He showed me. So I have no idea what it means!! 

  2. Carnival just started offering it. 


    Mine still shows up in My Activities but it does have an odd little X in front of it. Not sure why. Is this what yours looks like too?

    "x_Goff's Caye Barrier Reef Snorkeling & Beach"

    I dont think it means anything, but i do know it's not listed as an option on the excursions anymore because it's likely all booked. We booked it and then our friends went to book also and it was gone because it was sold out for the April 28th cruise so they had to book through someone else



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