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Posts posted by Maumau13

  1. After patiently sitting on hold more than 40 minutes (first 10+ minutes on the regular NCL customer service line, then after reading comments here, I hung up and called the website tech support line and waited another 30 minutes!). Once connected, the representative was able to put in a request to get my e-docs unclogged. I downloaded new set, which are of course not one bit different from what I already had. No idea what that email was all about but am glad I checked all the same.


    I joked with the representative on the phone that maybe they weren't available because my bid for the Deluxe Owner's Suite was being accepted and processed and she said "you never know, you haven't gotten the rejection message so it could still happen."


    There was an issue with the departure time a couple of weeks ago it showed 10pm instead of 4pm. Not sure when they corrected it. I remember discussing it with one of my travel buddies.

  2. I hate to say this, but we once did have a Pearl mini suite under the kids club. Until they closed in the evening, it was like a heard of elephants above us. It's the only time I've ever gone out of the cabin and up to see what the noise was all about. They were indeed having fun, fun above us. I've avoided that location always since. Sorry.



    Maybe that explains the free upgrade:confused:. Hopefully as others have mentioned since it will be mid September there won't be as many children to worry. Thanks for the input.

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